Table 18
Households tested for radon in Canada, by province

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Households tested for radon in Canada, by province
  Households not in apartments that had heard of radon 1 Households not in apartments that had heard of radon
Had tested for radon 2 Had tested for radon within last ten years 3 Had not tested for radon 2 Did not know if tested for radon 3
Canada 45 3 78 92 5
Newfoundland and Labrador 35 F F 98 F
Prince Edward Island 51 F F 95 F
Nova Scotia 60 F F 86 F
New Brunswick 54 F F 95 F
Quebec 42 F F 95 F
Ontario 42 3 75 90 6
Manitoba 63 F F 92 F
Saskatchewan 60 E F 89 F
Alberta 47 F F 96 F
British Columbia 43 F F 90 F
As a percentage of all households that did not live in an apartment.
As a percentage of households that did not live in an apartment and had heard of radon.
As a percentage of all households that had tested for radon.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, CANSIM table 153-0098.
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