Annex Table 23
Households that used chemical fertilizers or pesticides on their lawn or garden, by census metropolitan area, 2005

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  Households with a lawn or garden1 Households with a lawn or garden Pesticide users2
Used fertilizers Used pesticides Pesticides applied as part of a regular maintenance schedule3 Pesticides applied when a problem arose3
St. John's, N.L. 85 33 29 49 51
Halifax, N.S. 66 23 21 46 52
Saint John, N.B. 79 26 22 F F
Saguenay, Que. 75 15 12 F F
Québec, Que. 61 25 25 50 46
Sherbrooke, Que. 67 16 15 65 F
Trois-Rivières, Que. 69 17 16 F F
Montréal, Que. 58 13 14 F F
Ottawa–Gatineau 74 35 32 62 39
   (Que. part) 
74 26 22 65 F
   (Ont. part) 
74 38 36 61 41
Kingston, Ont. 71 32 29 62 36
Oshawa, Ont. 83 47 45 61 39
Toronto, Ont. 65 38 33 61 41
Hamilton, Ont. 77 46 45 63 36
St. Catharines–Niagara, Ont. 83 41 37 56 42
Kitchener, Ont. 78 42 44 54 45
London, Ont. 73 44 40 50 48
Windsor, Ont. 82 41 40 57 40
Greater Sudbury, Ont. 73 41 34 62 37
Thunder Bay, Ont. 83 30 30 48 51
Winnipeg, Man. 69 44 47 45 55
Regina, Sask. 78 54 46 45 56
Saskatoon, Sask. 70 57 46 52 45
Calgary, Alta. 72 49 38 48 53
Edmonton, Alta. 73 48 41 53 48
Abbotsford, B.C. 74 33 33 40 63
Vancouver, B.C. 64 32 29 42 57
Victoria, B.C. 68 30 26 36 65
All census metropolitan areas 67 34 31 54 45
The census metropolitan areas are based on the 2001 Census delineation.
1. As a percentage of all households.
2. As a percentage of households with a lawn or garden.
3. Some respondents specified a frequency of application other than "part of a regular maintenance schedule" or "when problems arose." This proportion is not included here so some row totals may be less than 100%. In addition, some respondents specified both frequencies of application so some row totals may exceed 100%. 
Source: Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey, 2006.