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Table 23.3 Payroll employment, by manufacturing industry, 1995 to 2009

[an error occurred while processing this directive]11-402-x[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Table 23.3  Payroll employment, by manufacturing industry, 1995 to 2009
  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Manufacturing 1,739,096 1,779,368 1,845,808 1,906,843 1,946,466 2,036,697 1,978,406 1,929,514 1,907,736 1,870,096 1,838,560 1,820,736 1,758,769 1,673,904 1,485,807
Food 206,340 213,999 216,006 222,195 224,202 232,653 231,613 233,158 233,754 235,405 232,170 233,388 229,102 226,252 221,830
Beverage and tobacco products 32,984 29,736 32,068 34,255 33,791 35,424 35,138 34,860 33,186 31,991 28,097 28,114 26,854 26,695 28,121
Textile mills 26,813 27,035 28,225 29,449 29,520 30,133 26,122 23,829 22,970 20,866 17,412 14,610 12,950 10,363 8,609
Textile product mills 16,512 17,890 19,845 20,500 20,417 20,928 19,707 19,022 18,414 18,073 17,685 16,477 15,164 12,818 10,842
Clothing 86,510 85,882 88,569 90,422 89,465 93,347 82,770 76,261 71,186 62,456 51,765 46,009 40,001 32,825 27,113
Leather and allied products 12,160 12,218 12,391 11,473 11,241 12,219 9,480 8,508 7,539 6,575 5,779 5,030 4,472 3,816 3,595
Paper 104,450 103,394 104,098 100,821 103,110 110,144 103,703 95,981 96,994 93,718 87,689 83,810 79,380 73,515 66,574
Printing and related support activities 80,375 76,787 76,948 79,810 82,459 85,537 83,347 79,678 78,593 73,783 72,829 73,148 72,019 70,522 63,538
Petroleum and coal products 13,414 13,990 13,747 13,753 15,454 15,879 15,305 15,401 15,674 15,301 15,758 16,336 16,657 17,904 15,717
Chemicals 88,054 86,874 88,774 89,227 91,385 95,493 93,412 92,246 92,797 92,761 93,030 90,823 88,960 88,546 80,644
Plastics and rubber products 96,902 104,354 111,754 115,525 117,688 123,469 125,248 126,097 125,790 127,426 125,795 124,827 118,260 107,517 91,693
Wood products 108,431 116,544 124,299 127,559 134,177 141,872 135,758 134,227 133,829 137,153 135,306 130,222 122,940 110,322 89,372
Non-metallic mineral products 47,077 45,687 48,554 52,166 53,286 56,440 53,719 51,423 51,329 51,403 51,304 53,701 52,807 52,707 48,711
Primary metals 102,127 101,727 98,828 100,957 100,529 104,253 91,185 90,322 85,402 79,703 78,731 80,681 78,802 69,107 59,339
Fabricated metal products 139,590 146,910 157,630 165,626 173,072 183,246 184,269 181,096 180,561 176,439 176,068 179,728 175,091 171,126 147,808
Machinery 116,450 124,562 131,871 134,419 132,486 136,397 134,897 137,332 137,162 136,049 140,411 144,467 139,714 138,132 120,208
Computer and electronic products 88,905 88,310 92,754 97,905 101,630 106,289 105,761 95,272 89,084 87,272 85,689 85,086 83,202 83,824 74,980
Electrical equipment, appliances and components 46,669 45,178 45,477 45,898 48,538 53,780 48,723 45,545 45,428 43,095 42,157 42,268 42,754 41,610 37,465
Transportation equipment 204,534 214,530 215,751 229,476 235,548 244,196 242,725 233,603 231,268 229,246 229,337 222,798 215,597 199,464 165,261
Furniture and related products 69,149 71,094 81,566 86,086 88,698 94,350 98,601 98,648 98,637 93,121 94,157 90,677 85,843 79,830 70,489
Miscellaneous manufacturing 51,648 52,668 56,652 59,319 59,772 60,648 56,922 57,006 58,138 58,258 57,391 58,534 58,198 57,007 53,897
Source: Statistics Canada, Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours and CANSIM table 281-0024.
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