Statistics Canada
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Table 12.3-2
Provincial building and housing — New housing price index by city

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New housing price index by city: Part 1
  Canada St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Halifax, Nova Scotia Saint John, Fredericton, and Moncton, New Brunswick Québec, Quebec Montréal, Quebec Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
v21148160 v21148244 v21148256 v21148163 v21148169 v21148172 v21148178
2007 153.0 136.3 138.0 113.9 147.6 154.1 161.7
2008 158.2 163.0 149.0 116.8 155.4 161.6 167.8
April 150.5 132.5 133.1 112.9 146.7 152.7 161.3
May 152.1 134.4 139.4 113.5 147.0 153.3 161.5
June 153.1 134.4 139.4 113.5 147.0 153.6 161.6
July 154.5 136.1 139.6 113.7 147.0 153.6 161.7
August 155.1 137.8 139.8 114.4 148.0 155.3 162.0
September 155.5 138.9 140.2 114.5 148.0 155.7 162.3
October 155.7 140.2 140.2 114.9 148.5 155.7 162.3
November 156.5 141.1 145.1 114.9 151.3 156.5 162.3
December 156.7 142.8 145.1 115.1 151.3 156.5 162.3
January 157.6 144.3 146.4 115.9 151.7 157.9 164.2
February 158.1 148.5 146.4 115.4 152.4 159.5 166.3
March 158.4 148.8 148.2 115.8 152.4 159.4 166.3
April 158.4 154.1 148.2 115.8 154.0 159.2 166.4
May 158.4 159.7 148.8 115.8 154.5 162.0 167.2
June 158.5 164.2 149.4 116.1 155.0 162.2 168.7
July 158.6 169.2 149.8 117.2 155.0 162.3 168.7
August 158.6 170.4 149.8 117.9 157.1 163.4 168.7
September 158.7 170.4 150.0 117.4 157.1 163.2 169.2
October 158.1 171.4 150.1 117.4 157.1 163.2 169.2
November 157.6 177.2 150.1 118.3 159.4 163.7 169.2
December 157.4 177.6 150.3 118.3 159.4 163.7 169.6
January 156.4 179.1 150.4 119.9 160.4 163.9 169.6
February 155.3 179.0 150.5 120.3 164.6 164.4 169.6
March 154.6 179.8 150.5 120.3 164.8 164.9 169.6
April 153.7 180.3 150.5 120.5 164.8 164.9 169.6
New housing price index by city: Part 2
  Toronto and Oshawa, Ontario London, Ontario Winnipeg, Manitoba Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Calgary, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia
v21148181 v21148190 v21148211 v21148220 v21148229 v21148232 v21148238
2007 141.0 137.6 161.5 191.5 246.6 234.4 120.7
2008 146.0 142.4 178.0 230.9 248.2 236.8 123.5
April 139.4 135.5 152.0 168.1 244.9 223.5 118.3
May 140.0 136.7 153.1 186.5 247.2 229.4 121.0
June 140.8 137.7 161.1 203.0 248.5 231.2 122.1
July 141.1 138.5 168.1 209.1 248.8 247.4 122.3
August 141.7 138.4 168.9 212.1 248.9 248.4 122.4
September 142.1 139.3 170.3 212.5 250.7 248.4 122.4
October 142.2 139.0 170.3 213.9 250.3 249.2 123.2
November 143.5 139.5 171.2 213.9 250.0 249.2 123.5
December 143.6 139.5 171.4 216.1 251.4 249.2 123.5
January 144.9 140.4 172.5 225.9 252.2 248.0 123.6
February 145.3 140.4 172.6 235.7 251.4 245.7 123.8
March 145.7 140.8 174.3 240.7 252.9 242.9 124.6
April 145.8 141.7 174.5 241.6 251.0 241.5 124.7
May 145.7 142.2 177.7 242.9 248.7 236.9 124.3
June 146.2 143.3 179.6 236.0 248.7 234.9 124.3
July 146.3 143.3 179.9 236.4 248.1 234.4 124.3
August 146.5 143.3 180.2 229.0 246.1 234.3 124.2
September 146.4 143.3 180.8 224.2 247.8 234.1 124.1
October 146.4 143.3 181.4 220.7 246.4 230.1 122.7
November 146.4 143.3 181.4 219.6 243.8 229.5 120.6
December 146.4 143.3 181.4 218.1 240.7 228.7 120.6
January 146.5 143.3 181.4 219.8 235.7 222.3 119.7
February 146.4 144.4 181.4 215.2 233.6 215.7 116.2
March 145.9 144.4 181.4 213.8 230.9 213.1 114.9
April 145.0 144.4 181.4 212.9 229.0 211.2 113.5
Unadjusted for seasonality.
Building Permits (Catalogue no. 64-001-XIE), contact: É. Saint-Pierre (613-951-2025). CMHC Starts and Completions Survey, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, contact: L. Bourgon (613-748-2358). Capital Expenditure Price Statistics (Catalogue no. 62-007-XPB), Client services (613-951-9606). CANSIM tables: 026-0006, 027-0002 and 327-0005.