Table 1
Type and length of leave taken by working mothers and fathers of children aged 1 to 3

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Table 1
Type and length of leave taken by working mothers and fathers of children aged 1 to 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of type and length of leave taken by working mothers and fathers of children aged 1 to 3. This information is grouped by Outside Quebec and Quebec (appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage and average number of weeks as a unit of measure.
  Outside QuebecNote Quebec
Worked in the 12 months prior to birth or adoption 72.9 69.4
Took any leaveNote 1 90.0 99.2Note *
Paid leaveNote 1 83.1 97.3Note *
Unpaid leaveNote 1 21.4 21.3Note *
  average number of weeks
Total length of leaveNote 2 43.6 48.4Note *
Paid leaveNote 2 39.6 45.4Note *
Unpaid leaveNote 2 4.5 3.3
Worked after child's birth or adoption 67.4 72.4Note *
Worked in the 12 months prior to birth or adoption 95.2 90.4Note *
Took any leaveNote 1 26.0 76.1Note *
Paid leaveNote 1 12.9 72.5Note *
Unpaid leaveNote 1 14.2 6.0Note E Note *
  average number of weeks
Total length of leaveNote 2 2.4 5.6Note *
Paid leaveNote 2 1.7 5.5Note *
Unpaid leaveNote 2 0.7 0.2Note *
Worked after child's birth or adoption 95.0 91.6Note *
E use with caution
reference group
* statistically significant difference from the reference group at p ≤ 0.05
1. Among those who worked before the birth or adoption.
2. Among those who had returned to work at the time of the survey.
Note: Paid and unpaid leave are not mutually exclusive categories and thus percentages do not total 100.
Source: Statistics Canada, Survey of Young Canadians, 2010.
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