Box Table
Volunteer rate by industry, employed Canadians aged 15 to 75, 2010

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Box Table
Volunteer rate by industry, employed Canadians aged 15 to 75, 2010
Industry or industry group Volunteer rate
All industries 51
Educational services 73*
Information and cultural; and arts, entertainment and recreation 62*
Public administration; and utilities 58*
Finance and insurance; and real estate and rental and leasing 56
Other services 54
Health care and social assistance 53
Professional, scientific and technical services 52
Management, administrative and other support 46
Transportation and warehousing 45
Retail trade; and accommodation and food services 44*
Construction; agriculture, forestry and fishing; and mining, oil and gas 44*
Manufacturing; and wholesale trade 38*
reference group
* statistically significant difference (small alpha=0.05) from the reference group
Note: Excludes those who were self-employed.
Source: Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2010.
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