Table 1
Percentage of people working at home, by select characteristics, 2008

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Standard table symbols

  Employees Self-employed All workers
percentage working at home
Total 11 60 19
Men 12 56 20
Women 10* 67* 18*
Highest level of educational attainment
Less than high school 3E* 41* 10*
High school diploma 7 59 14
College or trades diploma 9* 59 17*
University degree 22* 69* 31*
Management 23 56* 31
Professional staff 23 71 33
Technical staff, technicians and technologists 13* 72 25*
Office staff 9* 67 15*
Sales and service 7* 53* 12*
Trades, transport and equipment operators 2E* 40* 9*
Occupations unique to primary industry 9E* 61 33
Processing, manufacturing and utilities F 54E 4E*
Agriculture 16E 70 48
Forestry, fishing, mining, oil and gas 10E* 64 18*
Utilities F F F
Construction 7E* 48* 19*
Manufacturing 7* 55* 9*
Trade 8* 58* 13*
Transportation and warehousing 8* 34E* 12*
Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing 16* 73 30*
Professional, scientific and technical services 26 77 44
Business, building and other support services 9E* 46* 18*
Educational services 20* 64 23*
Health care and social assistance 8* 63* 15*
Information, culture and recreation 16* 71 25*
Accommodation and food services 3E* 42* 6*
Other services 25 46* 32*
Public administration 8* F 8*
Hours worked per week
0 to 29 7 63 18
30 to 39 9* 64 14*
40 to 49 10* 57 14*
50 or more 23* 60 35*
No 13 13
Yes 8* 8*
Work schedule
Days/regular 12 53 18
Evenings or nights 3E* 45E 5E*
Rotating or split schedule 4E* 69* 10*
On call, irregular or other 19* 73* 41*
15 to 19 3E* 27E* 4E*
20 to 24 6* 55 10*
25 to 34 12 56 17*
35 to 44 13 62 22
45 to 54 14 60 23
55 and over 12 63 27*
Presence of a child 12 and under in the household
No 10 61 19
Yes 13* 58 21*
No 12 58 20
Yes 13 50* 20
No 9 65 16
Yes 13* 71 21*
Winter 12 62 20
Spring 11 62 19
Summer 12 56 19
Fall 11 61 19
Distance between home and work
0 to 4 km 7 40 10
5 to 9 km 9 42 12
10 to 29 km 10* 42 13*
30 km or more 13* 48* 16*
Area of residence
Census metropolitan area 12* 61 20
Toronto 13* 63 22*
Montréal 11 60 17
Vancouver 14* 63 24*
Ottawa–Gatineau 16* 64 23
Calgary 11E 56 18
Edmonton 12E 50 19
Québec 16E* 57 21
Winnipeg 12 54 17
Other metropolitan areas 10 60 17*
Census agglomeration 8 55 16*
Outside urban areas 9 61 20

E use with caution
F too unreliable to be published
... not applicable
† reference group
* statistically significant difference from reference group at p < 0.05
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.