Table A.1
Factors associated with the probability of moving from the municipality of Toronto to surrounding municipality in the metropolitan area between 2001 and 2006 for persons aged 25 to 44

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  Moved from the municipality of Toronto to a surrounding municipality between 2001 and 2006 Moved from a surrounding municipality to the municipality of Toronto between 2001 and 2006 Net intrametropolitan migration between the central municipality and other municipalities
Percentage Adjusted odds ratio Percentage Adjusted odds ratio Exchange ratio
Total 14 5 3.5
Women 14 1.00 4 1.00 3.7
Men 14 0.89* 5 1.18* 3.3
Age group
25 to 29 11 1.00 8 1.00 1.6
30 to 34 17 1.07* 6 0.67* 3.7
35 to 39 16 0.87* 4 0.49* 5.0
40 to 44 12 0.64* 2 0.33* 5.3
Family status
Childless persons
Adult child living with parents 7 0.67* 2 0.10* 4.2
Non-family (person living alone or with roommates)  6 1.00 17 1.00 0.8
Persons in a couple 16 1.97* 10 0.75* 2.5
Persons with children
Lone parents 10 1.57* 5 0.36* 2.9
Married or common-law parents
Were parents in 2001, no other children since 17 2.30* 1 0.16* 9.5
Were parents in 2001, at least one new child since 21 2.72* 2 0.15* 10.5
Had their first child between 2001 and 2006 25 3.18* 4 0.29* 7.0
Had their first children between 2001 and 2006 (2 or more children) 24 3.29* 3 0.19* 8.5
Highest level of education attained
No high school diploma 11 0.68* 4 1.03 4.0
High school diploma 13 0.82* 4 0.95 3.7
College or vocational school diploma 15 1.00 4 1.00 3.8
University degree, bachelor's 15 0.90* 7 1.73* 3.0
University degree, master's or doctorate (including medical studies) 14 0.77* 7 2.32* 3.7
After-tax family income
Under $20,000 7 0.45* 11 2.57* 1.4
$20,000 to $39,999 9 0.49* 9 2.48* 1.9
$40,000 to $49,999 13 0.64* 7 2.15* 2.5
$50,000 to $59,999 15 0.75* 5 1.70* 3.4
$60,000 to $69,999 16 0.84* 4 1.21* 4.6
$70,000 to $79,999 19 1.00 3 1.00 5.9
$80,000 to $99,999 19 1.04 3 0.91 5.4
$100,000 to $149,999 18 1.03 2 0.71* 6.2
$150,000 and over 12 0.68* 3 0.79* 4.3
Low-income status after-tax
No 15 ... 4 ... 3.7
Yes 8 ... 8 ... 2.2
Place of birth
Canada1 11 1.00 4 1.00 2.3
Canada, with at least one immigrant parent 12 1.10* 5 1.12* 2.3
South America 14 1.33* 5 1.27* 4.4
Europe 16 1.40* 4 0.96 5.1
Africa 11 1.10 5 1.06 4.3
Middle East 18 1.93* 5 1.17 4.8
East Asia 16 1.37* 5 0.95 6.0
Southeast Asia 13 1.04 6 1.55* 4.0
South Asia 22 1.74* 3 0.92 7.1
United States, Oceania and others 9 0.76* 5 1.25 2.4
Place of work
City of Toronto 9 1.00 11 1.00 2.3
Other municipalities in the CMA 34 5.09* 2 0.17* 6.1
Outside the CMA 20 2.90* 3 0.25* 4.1
No fixed place of work 13 1.83* 4 0.29* 4.0
No place of work 10 1.30* 4 0.39 4.0
† reference group
* difference statistically significant compared to the reference group at p < 0.05
1. Includes persons born outside Canada but who are nevertheless Canadian by birth.
Source: Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Population.