Statistics Canada
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Table 16
Type of help received to deal with change: Seniors (aged 65 and over), 2008

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  Change of greatest impact
Finances Death of a loved one Health Care of a sick or disabled person
Type of help received1
Emotional 21E 84* 73* 73*
Instrumental2 50 39 95* 92*
Informational3 28E 17 45* 51
† reference group
* statistically significant difference from the reference group at p < 0.05
1. Respondents could report more than one type of help received to deal with the change of greatest impact.
2. Instrumental help includes using at least one of the following types: professional services or expertise; financial; help with household work or childcare; transportation; material goods; personal care or health needs.
3. Informational help includes using at least one of the following types: information or informal advice; referrals, networking or making new contacts; teaching coaching, or training.
Note: This table includes respondents aged 65 and over who experienced at least one major change in the last 12 months.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.