Statistics Canada
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Table 12
Resources used to deal with change: Mid-life stage (aged 45 to 64), 2008

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  Change of greatest impact
Finances Employment Health Care of a sick or disabled person
Type of resource used1
Family 41 54* 76* 76*
Business people (including employer) 31 47* 27 19*
Close friends 29 48* 64* 53*
Other media/information sources 23 33 38* 34
Professionals (including doctors) 24 27 87* 75*
Internet 19 37* 44* 33*
Co-workers 17 44* 34* 30*
Government resources (all levels of government) 14 19 15 24*
Other friends 13 29* 38* 30*
Neighbours 10E 11 33* 35*
Social service or health organization 9E 7E 35* 65*
Religious organization 5E 4E 14* 15E*
† reference group
* statistically significant difference from the reference group at p < 0.05
1. Respondents could report more than one type of resource to deal with the change of greatest impact.
Note: This table includes respondents aged 45 to 64 who experienced at least one major change in the last 12 months.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.