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All (16) (0 to 10 of 16 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1999105
    Geography: Canada

    This paper outlines the growth in advanced technology use that has taken place over the last decade in Canadian manufacturing establishments. It presents the percentage of plants that use any one of the advanced technologies studied and how this has changed between 1989 and 1998. It also investigates how growth rates in the 1990s have varied across different technologies in specific functional areas, such as design and engineering, fabrication, communications, and integration and control. In an attempt to discover how changes in technology use are related to certain plant characteristics, the paper then investigates whether the growth in technology use varies across plants that differ by size, nationality and industry. Multivariate analysis is used to investigate the joint effects of plant size, foreign ownership and industry on the incidence of technology adoption and how these effects have changed over the last decade.

    Release date: 1999-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 88F0017M1999007
    Geography: Canada

    This paper looks at the impediments to innovations perceived by Canadian firms. It focuses on communication, financial services and technical business services.

    Release date: 1999-12-02

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19990044756
    Geography: Canada

    Earnings of physicians continue to exceed the overall average. This article presents a demographic and earnings profile of the medical profession and highlights changes between 1980 and 1995.

    Release date: 1999-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990014700
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, this article studies the links between academic achievement, children's views of themselves, and adults' support during the transition to early adolescence.
    Release date: 1999-10-12

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X19990014713

    Robust small area estimation is studied under a simple random effects model consisting of a basic (or fixed effects) model and a linking model that treats the fixed effects as realizations of a random variable. Under this model a model-assisted estimator of a small area mean is obtained. This estimator depends on the survey weights and remains design-consistent. A model-based estimator of its mean squared error (MSE) is also obtained. Simulation results suggest that the proposed estimator and Kott's (1989) model-assisted estimator are equally efficient, and that the proposed MSE estimator is often much more stable than Kott's MSE estimator, even under moderate deviations of the linking model. The method is also extended to nested error regression models.

    Release date: 1999-10-08

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X19990014715

    The Gallup Organization has been conducting household surveys to study state-wide prevalences of alcohol and drug (e.g., cocaine, marijuana, etc.) use. Traditional design-based survey estimates of use and dependence for counties and select demographic groups have unacceptably large standard errors because sample sizes in sub-state groups are two small. Synthetic estimation incorporates demographic information and social indicators in estimates of prevalence through an implicit regression model. Synthetic estimates tend to have smaller variances than design-based estimates, but can be very homogeneous across counties when auxiliary variables are homogeneous. Composite estimates for small areas are weighted averages of design-based survey estimates and synthetic estimates. A second problem generally not encountered at the state level but present for sub-state areas and groups concerns estimating standard errors of estimated prevalences that are close to zero. This difficulty affects not only telephone household survey estimates, but also composite estimates. A hierarchical model is proposed to address this problem. Empirical Bayes composite estimators, which incorporate survey weights, of prevalences and jackknife estimators of their mean squared errors are presented and illustrated.

    Release date: 1999-10-08

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X19990014716

    Two design-based estimators of gross flows and transition rates are considered. One makes use of the cross-sectional samples for the estimation of the income class boundaries at each time period and the longitudinal sample for the estimation of counts of units in the longitudinal population (longitudinal counts); this is the mixed estimator. The other one is entirely based on the longitudinal sample, both for the estimation of the class boundaries and the longitudinal counts; this is the longitudinal estimator. We compare the two estimators in the presence of large attrition rates, by means of a simulation. We find that under a less than perfect model of compensation for attrition, the mixed estimator is usually more sensitive to model bias than the longitudinal estimator. Furthermore, we find that for the mixed estimator, the magnitude of this bias overshadows the small gain in precision when compared to the longitudinal estimator. The results are illustrated with data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics and the Longitudinal Administrative Database of Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1999-10-08

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X19990024660
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This article examines Canada's growing visible minority population in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

    Release date: 1999-09-09

  • Journals and periodicals: 73F0008X
    Geography: Canada

    The Employment Insurance Coverage Survey was conducted during 4 months of 1998 to provide information on the ceverage of the jobless and part-time worker population by Employment Insurance. It is a survey of individuals sampled from Labour Force Survey participants; these were interviewed by telephone. The report attempts to answer the following questions: How many unemployed persons has insurable employment? How many have access to the benefits provided by EI? How many are eligible for benefits? Those not covered or not receiving benefits are identified. Finally, what are the alternative sources of revenue of the unemployed? This report analyses the main findings from the survey for Canada. It compares outcomes to the previous years' results. It also presents some beneficiary/unemployed ratio data to put the results in a historical context.

    Release date: 1999-07-12

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-534-R

    This report, revised in May 1999, describes the Electronic Publications Pilot (EPP) which was conducted to gather knowledge on how library staff and their clients are adjusting to the Internet. The pilot was conducted from September 1996 to September 1997 as a joint initiative of Statistics Canada and the Depository Services Program (DSP), in partnership with the depository library community. The objective of the pilot was to assess the impact of replacing print publications with electronic equivalents via the Internet in DSP libraries. This objective was based on an assumption that the electronic medium will complement print rather than replace it entirely and that departments will continue to produce some print publications in the future. The major conclusions of the pilot cover resources and training, web site feedback, selection of publications for conversion to electronic format, web site access and security, publication functionality and access and archiving.

    Release date: 1999-06-02
Stats in brief (0)

Stats in brief (0) (0 results)

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Articles and reports (14)

Articles and reports (14) (10 to 20 of 14 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19990014407
    Geography: Canada

    The distribution of income changes over time, as does the proportion of total income received by different family types. This aritcle examines the relative shares of total family income for different family groups between 1970 and 1995, along with changes in the composition of these groups. It complements the family income study published in the Winter 1998 issue of perspectives.

    Release date: 1999-03-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X19980024354

    This article deals with an attempt to cross-tabulate two categorical variables, which were separately collected from two large independent samples, and jointly collected from one small sample. It was assumed that the large samples have a large set of common variables. The proposed estimation technique can be considered a mix between calibration techniques and statistical matching. Through calibration techniques, it is possible to incorporate the complex designs of the samples in the estimation procedure, to fulfill some consistency requirements between estimates from various sources, and to obtain fairly unbiased estimates for the two-way table. Through the statistical matching techniques, it is possible to incorporate a relatively large set of common variables in the calibration estimation, by means of which the precision of the estimated two-way table can be improved. The estimation technique enables us to gain insight into the bias generally obtained, in estimating the two-way table, by sole use of the large samples. It is shown how the estimation technique can be useful to impute values of the one large sample (donor source) into the other large sample (host source). Although the technique is principally developed for catagorical variables Y and Z, with a minor modification, it is also applicable for continuous variables Y and Z.

    Release date: 1999-01-14

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980034138
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines socio-demographic variations in attitudes about the health effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, and the importance of smoke-free environments.
    Release date: 1999-01-12

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980034139
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines differences by occupation in daily cigarette smoking prevalence and intensity among full-time workers, and how these differences are associated with smoking restrictions at work.
    Release date: 1999-01-12
Journals and periodicals (2)

Journals and periodicals (2) ((2 results))

  • Journals and periodicals: 73F0008X
    Geography: Canada

    The Employment Insurance Coverage Survey was conducted during 4 months of 1998 to provide information on the ceverage of the jobless and part-time worker population by Employment Insurance. It is a survey of individuals sampled from Labour Force Survey participants; these were interviewed by telephone. The report attempts to answer the following questions: How many unemployed persons has insurable employment? How many have access to the benefits provided by EI? How many are eligible for benefits? Those not covered or not receiving benefits are identified. Finally, what are the alternative sources of revenue of the unemployed? This report analyses the main findings from the survey for Canada. It compares outcomes to the previous years' results. It also presents some beneficiary/unemployed ratio data to put the results in a historical context.

    Release date: 1999-07-12

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-534-R

    This report, revised in May 1999, describes the Electronic Publications Pilot (EPP) which was conducted to gather knowledge on how library staff and their clients are adjusting to the Internet. The pilot was conducted from September 1996 to September 1997 as a joint initiative of Statistics Canada and the Depository Services Program (DSP), in partnership with the depository library community. The objective of the pilot was to assess the impact of replacing print publications with electronic equivalents via the Internet in DSP libraries. This objective was based on an assumption that the electronic medium will complement print rather than replace it entirely and that departments will continue to produce some print publications in the future. The major conclusions of the pilot cover resources and training, web site feedback, selection of publications for conversion to electronic format, web site access and security, publication functionality and access and archiving.

    Release date: 1999-06-02
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