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- 1. Alternative measures in Canada, 1998-99 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20000068379Geography: CanadaDescription:
The purpose of this Juristat is to provide information on the administration of alternative measures in Canada, and its relative success in diverting individuals out of the court system. The report focuses on alternative measures for youth, but also includes a short section presenting data on adult alternative measures.
Release date: 2000-07-28
Stats in brief (0)
Stats in brief (0) (0 results)
No content available at this time.
Articles and reports (1)
Articles and reports (1) ((1 result))
- 1. Alternative measures in Canada, 1998-99 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20000068379Geography: CanadaDescription:
The purpose of this Juristat is to provide information on the administration of alternative measures in Canada, and its relative success in diverting individuals out of the court system. The report focuses on alternative measures for youth, but also includes a short section presenting data on adult alternative measures.
Release date: 2000-07-28
Journals and periodicals (0)
Journals and periodicals (0) (0 results)
No content available at this time.
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