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All (17) (10 to 20 of 17 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2002003
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines small producers in the Canadian and U.S. manufacturing sectors in terms of output and employment from the early 1970s to the late 1990s.

    Release date: 2002-05-23

  • 12. Coal Mining Archived
    Table: 26-206-X

    The report presents data on the number of mines, employment, payroll, the cost of fuel including electricity, materials and supplies, production, disposition, exports and imports, and the supply and demand of coal by province. It also includes a bibliography. as well as selected non-mining inputs by type; selected non-mining outputs; coal mines; industry value by type of revenues; marketing expenses by type.

    Release date: 2002-03-25

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20020016147
    Geography: Canada

    Canadian manufacturing firms fall into two groups: The first uses patents and trademarks as a part of successful innovation strategy consisting of regular R&D financed by R&D grants and tax credits introducing world-first innovations. These are usually large firms in the technology-intensive core sector. The second group includes firms of all sizes in all sectors that rely mostly on trade secrets. They typically transfer technology from abroad by introducing Canada-first innovations and rely on government information services more than on R&D grants and tax credits.

    Release date: 2002-02-15

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20020016163
    Geography: Canada

    Firms have to be highly innovative to gain competitive advantage in today's increasingly competitive global market. The competition-innovation linkage is empirically examined using Statistics Canada's Survey of Innovation 1999. The evidence shows competition has a positive and significant impact on both technology invention and technology adoption.

    Release date: 2002-02-15

  • 15. Oils and Fats Archived
    Table: 32-006-X

    The report shows domestic sales, purchases, production and inventories of deodorized oils from processors of oils producing fully deodorized edible products for the month and year-to-date. Before 1995, it also contained data on sales of deodorized oils, packaged margarine, shortening and salad oils as well as oilseed crushings, and production and stocks of vegetable oils. It also includes explanatory notes. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms.

    Release date: 2002-02-08

  • Table: 43-009-X

    This publication contains data on manufacturers' sales (including imports) of electric lamps, light bulbs and tubes. It includes the number of units sold and the dollar value (factory billing price) of factory sales, by province each month along with the cumulative total for the year. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms.

    Release date: 2002-02-05

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2002179
    Geography: Canada

    This paper studies changes in diversification of firms and plants since the early 1970s in the Canadian manufacturing sector. It finds that there has been a general increase in specialization of both firms and plants. Firms have been continuously reducing the span of industries in which they operate, particularly when the industries are unrelated. Commodity specialization has also occurred at the plant level; however, in contrast to industry specialization, the pace of commodity specialization increased emerged late in the period, around the time of implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States. Plant specialization increased most in those plants that moved most strongly into export markets.

    Release date: 2002-02-05
Data (6)

Data (6) ((6 results))

  • Table: 32-230-X

    This publication contains supply, disposition and per capita disappearance data for the following food groups: oils and fats, fruits, vegetables, potatoes and fish. Per capita disappearance is available on both a retail weight and fresh equivalent basis per day and per year.

    Release date: 2002-10-31

  • Table: 25-001-X

    This on-line publication presents monthly and cumulative data by province of mill location on: receipts, consumption and inventories of pulpwood, and wood residue from pulp and paper mills in Canada. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms.

    Release date: 2002-10-30

  • Table: 15-001-X20020076510

    This analytical paper focusses on how pharmaceutical manufacturing production is distributed and which factors favour its future growth, using such variables as its gross domestic product (GDP), employment, research and development (R&D) and innovation patterns. How this industry differs from other manufacturing industries is also discussed.

    Release date: 2002-10-07

  • 4. Coal Mining Archived
    Table: 26-206-X

    The report presents data on the number of mines, employment, payroll, the cost of fuel including electricity, materials and supplies, production, disposition, exports and imports, and the supply and demand of coal by province. It also includes a bibliography. as well as selected non-mining inputs by type; selected non-mining outputs; coal mines; industry value by type of revenues; marketing expenses by type.

    Release date: 2002-03-25

  • 5. Oils and Fats Archived
    Table: 32-006-X

    The report shows domestic sales, purchases, production and inventories of deodorized oils from processors of oils producing fully deodorized edible products for the month and year-to-date. Before 1995, it also contained data on sales of deodorized oils, packaged margarine, shortening and salad oils as well as oilseed crushings, and production and stocks of vegetable oils. It also includes explanatory notes. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms.

    Release date: 2002-02-08

  • Table: 43-009-X

    This publication contains data on manufacturers' sales (including imports) of electric lamps, light bulbs and tubes. It includes the number of units sold and the dollar value (factory billing price) of factory sales, by province each month along with the cumulative total for the year. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms.

    Release date: 2002-02-05
Analysis (11)

Analysis (11) (0 to 10 of 11 results)

  • Articles and reports: 31F0027M2002001
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the main characteristics of the Canadian lumber industry, looks at the different impacts of lumber trade disputes, and puts into perspective the strong reliance of the Canadian lumber industry on the U.S. market, its biggest customer.

    Release date: 2002-12-17

  • Journals and periodicals: 31F0027M
    Geography: Canada

    The intent of this research paper series is to address a variety of topics related to the Canadian manufacturing sector as a whole. The papers in this series are based on the Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) and focus on the entire manufacturing sector (all 22 major manufacturing groups). Other data sources are used in specific papers. The topics covered include packaging products used by manufacturing industries, evolution of production costs, comparison of establishment groups (ranked by volume of shipments) and stages of processing.

    Release date: 2002-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 21-601-M2002059

    The purpose of this paper is to examine profitability trends in the Canadian food processing industry, comparing it with other manufacturing industries during the period of 1990 to 1998.

    Release date: 2002-11-14

  • Articles and reports: 21-601-M2002057

    This study provides a financial profile of Canadian food industry corporations that were acquired during the period 1996 to 1998.

    Release date: 2002-10-16

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20020026373
    Geography: Canada

    The manufacturing sector is looked upon as the source of innovation and technological change, but the sheer size of service activity in the economy means that the competitive advantage will increasingly depend upon this sector's ability to innovate and produce technologies.

    Release date: 2002-06-14

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2002189
    Geography: Canada

    Understanding the importance of the dynamic entry process in the Canadian economy involves measuring size of entry. The main purpose of this paper is to summarize the information we have on the amount of entry in Canada.

    The paper also fulfils another purpose. Some studies have focused on cross-country comparisons (Geroski and Schwalbach 1991; OECD 2001). Interpretation of the results of these studies is difficult unless methodological issues regarding how entry is measured are addressed. Without an understanding of the extent to which different databases produce different results, international comparisons are difficult to evaluate. Cross-country comparisons that are derived from extremely different data sources may be misleading because of the lack of comparability.

    Since there is more than one reliable database that can be used to estimate entry in Canada, this paper asks how measured entry rates vary across different Canadian databases. By examining the difference in entry rates produced by these databases, we provide an estimate of the range or confidence interval that should be used in evaluating whether there are real differences in measured entry rates across countries. We also offer guidance as to the questions that should be asked about the databases used by researchers who conduct international studies. Finally, we make suggestions as to areas of comparison on which international studies should focus.

    Release date: 2002-05-29

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2002168
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the factors contributing to the adoption of advanced technologies in the Canadian food-processing sector. The numbers of technologies used by a plant is found to be highly correlated with expected gains in firm performance. The benefits of enhanced food safety and quality, as well as productivity improvements, are closely associated with technology use. Impediments that negatively affect technology use include software costs, problems with external financing, lack of cash flow for financing, and internal management problems. Even after accounting for the different benefits and costs associated with technology adoption, the numbers of advanced technologies that are adopted are found to be greater in larger plants, in foreign-controlled plants, in plants that engage in both primary and secondary processing, and in the dairy, fruit and vegetable and "other" food product industries.

    Release date: 2002-05-28

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2002003
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines small producers in the Canadian and U.S. manufacturing sectors in terms of output and employment from the early 1970s to the late 1990s.

    Release date: 2002-05-23

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20020016147
    Geography: Canada

    Canadian manufacturing firms fall into two groups: The first uses patents and trademarks as a part of successful innovation strategy consisting of regular R&D financed by R&D grants and tax credits introducing world-first innovations. These are usually large firms in the technology-intensive core sector. The second group includes firms of all sizes in all sectors that rely mostly on trade secrets. They typically transfer technology from abroad by introducing Canada-first innovations and rely on government information services more than on R&D grants and tax credits.

    Release date: 2002-02-15

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20020016163
    Geography: Canada

    Firms have to be highly innovative to gain competitive advantage in today's increasingly competitive global market. The competition-innovation linkage is empirically examined using Statistics Canada's Survey of Innovation 1999. The evidence shows competition has a positive and significant impact on both technology invention and technology adoption.

    Release date: 2002-02-15
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