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  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202200100014
    Description: As the fourteenth goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development by 2030. This 2024 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the fourteenth Sustainable Development Goal in support of life below water, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2024-01-25

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200900110821
    Geography: Canada

    This article presents information on nitrogen and phosphorus generated through manure production and maps the intensity of nitrogen and phosphorus production by sub-sub-drainage area.

    Release date: 2009-03-26

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200800410752
    Geography: Canada

    This article presents data on water conservation and septic system maintenance from the 2006 Households and the Environment Survey. It also compares conservation practices for households using public and private water services.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200800110539
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Households across the country regularly produce special wastes ranging from dead batteries to old paint containers. This study focuses on four special wastes for which information was collected in the 2006 Households and the Environment Survey' leftover or expired medication, dead batteries, old computer and communication equipment and leftover paint.
    Release date: 2008-03-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X20050049126
    Geography: Canada

    Using the Survey of Household Facilities and Equipment and the Survey of Household Spending, this article shows that, since the 1940s, Canadians have rapidly adopted new energy sources for household heating. It then shows how these important changes have affected greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the residential sector in recent decades.

    Release date: 2006-03-21

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2004026
    Geography: Canada

    This paper develops a production framework that allows for self-supplied water intake, an unpriced 'natural' input. The framework is then exploited to estimate the corresponding water shadow prices and to assess the extent to which water impacts on the multifactor productivity performance of the Canadian business sector's industries.

    Release date: 2004-12-01

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 96-328-M2004006

    This activity looks at all aspects of manure and manure management (often called nutrient management) from its value as a soil fertilizer to environmental concerns over mismanagement.

    Release date: 2004-06-09

  • Journals and periodicals: 16F0024X
    Geography: Canada

    Businesses today are involved in a variety of practices aimed at preventing or reducing environmental degradation generated from their production activity. During the 1990s, the environmental regulation context changed. Increasingly, governments have relied on voluntary initiatives undertaken by businesses to reduce pollutants and waste, as opposed to regulations. However, at the same time, the federal authorities have undertaken to revise the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), in order to increase federal power for environmental regulation but with strong emphasis put on promoting pollution prevention. Consequently, businesses today are looking at alternative ways to limit impacts from their operations on the environment.

    Environmental Management and Technologies in the Business Sector presents a profile of business demand for environmental processes and technologies, pollution prevention methods and environmental practices, such as environmental management systems and voluntary actions. What types of treatment processes are the most popular ones for reducing gas emissions, liquid, solid and hazardous waste, noise, radiation and vibration, for saving energy or for site reclamation? What is the market for environmental processes and technologies? What pollution prevention methods are used more frequently? What additional environmental practices have businesses adopted (for instance, are voluntary programs more popular than eco-labelling?)?

    This paper is based on results from the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures. For the first time, the survey asked detailed questions on the type of environmental process or technology used and the adoption of environmental practices. The paper is a complement to both 1996-1997 and 1998 Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector reports (Catalogue no. 16F0006XIE).

    Release date: 2002-12-20
Data (0)

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Analysis (7)

Analysis (7) ((7 results))

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202200100014
    Description: As the fourteenth goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development by 2030. This 2024 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the fourteenth Sustainable Development Goal in support of life below water, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2024-01-25

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200900110821
    Geography: Canada

    This article presents information on nitrogen and phosphorus generated through manure production and maps the intensity of nitrogen and phosphorus production by sub-sub-drainage area.

    Release date: 2009-03-26

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200800410752
    Geography: Canada

    This article presents data on water conservation and septic system maintenance from the 2006 Households and the Environment Survey. It also compares conservation practices for households using public and private water services.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200800110539
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Households across the country regularly produce special wastes ranging from dead batteries to old paint containers. This study focuses on four special wastes for which information was collected in the 2006 Households and the Environment Survey' leftover or expired medication, dead batteries, old computer and communication equipment and leftover paint.
    Release date: 2008-03-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X20050049126
    Geography: Canada

    Using the Survey of Household Facilities and Equipment and the Survey of Household Spending, this article shows that, since the 1940s, Canadians have rapidly adopted new energy sources for household heating. It then shows how these important changes have affected greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the residential sector in recent decades.

    Release date: 2006-03-21

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2004026
    Geography: Canada

    This paper develops a production framework that allows for self-supplied water intake, an unpriced 'natural' input. The framework is then exploited to estimate the corresponding water shadow prices and to assess the extent to which water impacts on the multifactor productivity performance of the Canadian business sector's industries.

    Release date: 2004-12-01

  • Journals and periodicals: 16F0024X
    Geography: Canada

    Businesses today are involved in a variety of practices aimed at preventing or reducing environmental degradation generated from their production activity. During the 1990s, the environmental regulation context changed. Increasingly, governments have relied on voluntary initiatives undertaken by businesses to reduce pollutants and waste, as opposed to regulations. However, at the same time, the federal authorities have undertaken to revise the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), in order to increase federal power for environmental regulation but with strong emphasis put on promoting pollution prevention. Consequently, businesses today are looking at alternative ways to limit impacts from their operations on the environment.

    Environmental Management and Technologies in the Business Sector presents a profile of business demand for environmental processes and technologies, pollution prevention methods and environmental practices, such as environmental management systems and voluntary actions. What types of treatment processes are the most popular ones for reducing gas emissions, liquid, solid and hazardous waste, noise, radiation and vibration, for saving energy or for site reclamation? What is the market for environmental processes and technologies? What pollution prevention methods are used more frequently? What additional environmental practices have businesses adopted (for instance, are voluntary programs more popular than eco-labelling?)?

    This paper is based on results from the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures. For the first time, the survey asked detailed questions on the type of environmental process or technology used and the adoption of environmental practices. The paper is a complement to both 1996-1997 and 1998 Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector reports (Catalogue no. 16F0006XIE).

    Release date: 2002-12-20
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 96-328-M2004006

    This activity looks at all aspects of manure and manure management (often called nutrient management) from its value as a soil fertilizer to environmental concerns over mismanagement.

    Release date: 2004-06-09
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