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- Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100006Description:
In the context of its "admin-first" paradigm, Statistics Canada is prioritizing the use of non-survey sources to produce official statistics. This paradigm critically relies on non-survey sources that may have a nearly perfect coverage of some target populations, including administrative files or big data sources. Yet, this coverage must be measured, e.g., by applying the capture-recapture method, where they are compared to other sources with good coverage of the same populations, including a census. However, this is a challenging exercise in the presence of linkage errors, which arise inevitably when the linkage is based on quasi-identifiers, as is typically the case. To address the issue, a new methodology is described where the capture-recapture method is enhanced with a new error model that is based on the number of links adjacent to a given record. It is applied in an experiment with public census data.
Key Words: dual system estimation, data matching, record linkage, quality, data integration, big data.
Release date: 2021-10-22
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Analysis (1)
Analysis (1) ((1 result))
- Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100006Description:
In the context of its "admin-first" paradigm, Statistics Canada is prioritizing the use of non-survey sources to produce official statistics. This paradigm critically relies on non-survey sources that may have a nearly perfect coverage of some target populations, including administrative files or big data sources. Yet, this coverage must be measured, e.g., by applying the capture-recapture method, where they are compared to other sources with good coverage of the same populations, including a census. However, this is a challenging exercise in the presence of linkage errors, which arise inevitably when the linkage is based on quasi-identifiers, as is typically the case. To address the issue, a new methodology is described where the capture-recapture method is enhanced with a new error model that is based on the number of links adjacent to a given record. It is applied in an experiment with public census data.
Key Words: dual system estimation, data matching, record linkage, quality, data integration, big data.
Release date: 2021-10-22
Reference (0)
Reference (0) (0 results)
No content available at this time.
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