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All (10)

All (10) ((10 results))

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Table: 45-004-X

    This publication contains data on the supply and demand of refined petroleum products in Canada including refinery inputs, production, imports and exports, domestic sales and inventory levels by province and region. Data is available for propane and propane mixes, butane and butane mixes, petrochemical feedstocks, naphtha specialties, aviation gasoline, motor gasoline, aviation turbo fuel kerosene and naphtha types, stove oil kerosene, diesel fuel, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, asphalt, coke, lubes and greases, and still gas. It also includes notes and definitions.

    Release date: 2013-08-16

  • Table: 57-601-X

    The Energy statistics handbook provides current monthly, and historical annual energy data covering the last 12 years. This is a comprehensive source of detailed information on the energy field and a useful tool for those who analyze and follow the availability, production and use of energy in Canada. Data are organized and presented in a logical, easy-to-use manner by energy type. Selected economic indicators (money market, gross domestic product, etc.) are included to enhance understanding of the links between macroeconomic indicators and energy statistics.

    Release date: 2012-08-09

  • Table: 26-201-X

    The review presents detailed and recent statistics of the mining industry, including the production and the value of minerals by kind and by province. It also presents historical tables of values by main groups, the average prices of leading minerals and principal statistics by main group and by province, and diamond drilling of deposits other than fuels. It includes explanatory notes and a bibliography.

    Release date: 2008-10-23

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2007062
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This study examines the trends in the use of heavy fuel oil Canada on the basis of industries and provinces between 1990 and 2005 using mostly data from the Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada
    Release date: 2007-09-06

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2005023
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This study examines the increase of energy consumption in Canada, in the provinces and the northern territories between 1990 and 2003. The increase is compared with the consumption of energy per capita and the economic activity. The energy types examined are refined petroleum products (motor gasoline, diesel, heavy fuel oil), natural gas, coal and electricity.
    Release date: 2005-03-23

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 96-328-M2004026

    The issue of biotechnology in agriculture has generated much debate. This activity is designed to help students better understand biological systems for producing materials and their advantages over synthetic systems.

    Release date: 2005-01-28

  • Table: 95F0301X

    This product presents basic counts and totals for all 2001 Census of Agriculture farm variables, including number and type of farms; crop, horticulture and land use areas; land management practices; numbers of livestock and poultry; organic farming; computer use; farm machinery and equipment; farm capital; and farm operating expenses and receipts. It provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry across Canada.These data from the initial release of the 2001 Census of Agriculture are available at the Canada, province, territory, census agricultural region (CAR) and census division (CD) levels.This product replaces the series of eight Agricultural Profile publications (one for Canada, one for the Atlantic Provinces, and one for each of the other six provinces) produced for the 1996 Census of Agriculture.

    Release date: 2002-05-15

  • Table: 53-218-X

    Gross and net sales of gasolines and net fuel sales of diesel oil and liquefied petroleum gas used for automotive purposes are presented by year and by month, by province and by territory. Each issue provides five years of data on net sales of gasoline by month or by province.

    Release date: 2001-07-05

  • 10. Non-metal Mines Archived
    Table: 26-224-X

    The publication presents data on establishments, employment, payroll, materials and supplies used; production and shipments; drilling completed and tonnage of ore removed. It also includes a list of establishments, notes and definitions and a bibliography.

    Release date: 1999-10-13
Data (7)

Data (7) ((7 results))

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Table: 45-004-X

    This publication contains data on the supply and demand of refined petroleum products in Canada including refinery inputs, production, imports and exports, domestic sales and inventory levels by province and region. Data is available for propane and propane mixes, butane and butane mixes, petrochemical feedstocks, naphtha specialties, aviation gasoline, motor gasoline, aviation turbo fuel kerosene and naphtha types, stove oil kerosene, diesel fuel, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, asphalt, coke, lubes and greases, and still gas. It also includes notes and definitions.

    Release date: 2013-08-16

  • Table: 57-601-X

    The Energy statistics handbook provides current monthly, and historical annual energy data covering the last 12 years. This is a comprehensive source of detailed information on the energy field and a useful tool for those who analyze and follow the availability, production and use of energy in Canada. Data are organized and presented in a logical, easy-to-use manner by energy type. Selected economic indicators (money market, gross domestic product, etc.) are included to enhance understanding of the links between macroeconomic indicators and energy statistics.

    Release date: 2012-08-09

  • Table: 26-201-X

    The review presents detailed and recent statistics of the mining industry, including the production and the value of minerals by kind and by province. It also presents historical tables of values by main groups, the average prices of leading minerals and principal statistics by main group and by province, and diamond drilling of deposits other than fuels. It includes explanatory notes and a bibliography.

    Release date: 2008-10-23

  • Table: 95F0301X

    This product presents basic counts and totals for all 2001 Census of Agriculture farm variables, including number and type of farms; crop, horticulture and land use areas; land management practices; numbers of livestock and poultry; organic farming; computer use; farm machinery and equipment; farm capital; and farm operating expenses and receipts. It provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry across Canada.These data from the initial release of the 2001 Census of Agriculture are available at the Canada, province, territory, census agricultural region (CAR) and census division (CD) levels.This product replaces the series of eight Agricultural Profile publications (one for Canada, one for the Atlantic Provinces, and one for each of the other six provinces) produced for the 1996 Census of Agriculture.

    Release date: 2002-05-15

  • Table: 53-218-X

    Gross and net sales of gasolines and net fuel sales of diesel oil and liquefied petroleum gas used for automotive purposes are presented by year and by month, by province and by territory. Each issue provides five years of data on net sales of gasoline by month or by province.

    Release date: 2001-07-05

  • 7. Non-metal Mines Archived
    Table: 26-224-X

    The publication presents data on establishments, employment, payroll, materials and supplies used; production and shipments; drilling completed and tonnage of ore removed. It also includes a list of establishments, notes and definitions and a bibliography.

    Release date: 1999-10-13
Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2007062
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This study examines the trends in the use of heavy fuel oil Canada on the basis of industries and provinces between 1990 and 2005 using mostly data from the Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada
    Release date: 2007-09-06

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2005023
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This study examines the increase of energy consumption in Canada, in the provinces and the northern territories between 1990 and 2003. The increase is compared with the consumption of energy per capita and the economic activity. The energy types examined are refined petroleum products (motor gasoline, diesel, heavy fuel oil), natural gas, coal and electricity.
    Release date: 2005-03-23
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 96-328-M2004026

    The issue of biotechnology in agriculture has generated much debate. This activity is designed to help students better understand biological systems for producing materials and their advantages over synthetic systems.

    Release date: 2005-01-28
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