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  • Articles and reports: 85-561-M2011022
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This study explores the spatial distribution of police-reported youth crime in Toronto. It examines how youth crime is geographically distributed in Toronto and endeavours to shed light on the links between police-reported youth crime and the neighbourhood characteristics that are most strongly associated with it. This report represents the second phase of the spatial analysis of police-reported crime data for Toronto which builds on the research paper, Neighbourhood Characteristics and the Distribution of Police-reported Crime in the City of Toronto.

    Release date: 2011-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201100111577
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article presents information on perceptions of personal safety and crime as reported by Canadians aged 15 and over living in the ten provinces. Using data from the 2009 General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization, it analyses Canadians' satisfaction with their personal safety from crime while performing specific activities, at both the provincial and census metropolitan area levels. It also includes information on Canadians' perceptions of the level of crime and social disorder in their neighbourhoods.

    Release date: 2011-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201100211426
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines the association between neighbourhood income and the diagnosis of female breast cancer. Population data from the Canadian Cancer Registry were used to calculate national age-specific and age-standardized rates of breast cancer from 1992 through 2004 by neighbourhood income quintile and region.

    Release date: 2011-04-20
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Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Articles and reports: 85-561-M2011022
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This study explores the spatial distribution of police-reported youth crime in Toronto. It examines how youth crime is geographically distributed in Toronto and endeavours to shed light on the links between police-reported youth crime and the neighbourhood characteristics that are most strongly associated with it. This report represents the second phase of the spatial analysis of police-reported crime data for Toronto which builds on the research paper, Neighbourhood Characteristics and the Distribution of Police-reported Crime in the City of Toronto.

    Release date: 2011-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201100111577
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article presents information on perceptions of personal safety and crime as reported by Canadians aged 15 and over living in the ten provinces. Using data from the 2009 General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization, it analyses Canadians' satisfaction with their personal safety from crime while performing specific activities, at both the provincial and census metropolitan area levels. It also includes information on Canadians' perceptions of the level of crime and social disorder in their neighbourhoods.

    Release date: 2011-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201100211426
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines the association between neighbourhood income and the diagnosis of female breast cancer. Population data from the Canadian Cancer Registry were used to calculate national age-specific and age-standardized rates of breast cancer from 1992 through 2004 by neighbourhood income quintile and region.

    Release date: 2011-04-20
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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