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  • Articles and reports: 88F0017M1999007
    Geography: Canada

    This paper looks at the impediments to innovations perceived by Canadian firms. It focuses on communication, financial services and technical business services.

    Release date: 1999-12-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0017M1999006
    Geography: Canada

    This report describes the basic characteristics of the firms using biotechnologies, the type of use of biotechnologies, the stage of use and future use, the obstacles to acquisition and implementation of biotechnologies, the advantages obtained, and internal and external sources of information leading to biotechnology use.

    Release date: 1999-11-19

  • Journals and periodicals: 82F0076X
    Geography: Canada

    Heart disease and stroke are major causes of illness, disability and death in Canada and they exact high personal, community and health care costs. The goal of The changing face of heart disease and stroke in Canada, the fifth in a series of reports from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Surveillance System (CHSSS), is to provide health professionals and policy makers with an overview of current trends in risk factors, interventions and services, and health outcomes of heart disease and stroke in Canada.

    Release date: 1999-10-21

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M1997008
    Geography: Province or territory

    In light of a recent change in population coverage, this study was initiated to determine whether the integrity of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) should be questioned on the grounds that it does not explicitly take into account rural house price movements. An attempt is made here to quantify the potential impact, using various regimes of artificial data to represent house price movements for rural regions. The regimes were manufactured in a way that allowed the analysis of differences between urban and rural regions in terms of the evolution of house prices, as well as differences in their cumulative price index levels. Three provinces were considered: Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, all of which have large rural populations. The study results were monthly indexes for the time period, January 1986 to December 1994. The general conclusion was that house prices in rural regions would have to move very differently from those in urban regions to affect the overall level of the CPI. However, in the case of lower-level aggregates the failure to include rural house prices could be having an important effect. In addition, even when cumulative house price movements for rural and urban regions are similar, differences in their evolution tend to have an effect on the trend of the CPI, especially in the case of lower-level aggregates. While it is tempting to conclude that the current CPI methodology is robust enough to apply to the expanded population, this would be based purely on conjecture about the nature of movements in rural house prices. Hence, a second phase of this study will be initiated, whose purpose will be to develop a methodology to construct price indexes for rural regions.

    Release date: 1999-05-13

  • Table: 54-205-X19970004527

    This report uses container data from two sources, Statistics Canada's marine international Origin/Destination (O/D) database and Journal of Commerce P.I.E.R.S. data (provided by the Maritime Administration of the US Department of Transport).

    Release date: 1999-04-30

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1998119
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines differences in technology use in Canada as opposed to the United States as well as reasons for these differences. It examines different aspects of technology use-numbers of technologies used, types of technologies used, as well as regional, size and industry variations in their use. It then investigates differences in benefits that plant managers perceive stem from advanced technology use and differences in the factors that managers assess as impediments. While managers in both countries generally place quite similar emphases on items in the list of benefits received and problems that have impeded adoption, there are significant differences that arise because of the smaller size of the Canadian market.

    Release date: 1999-04-07

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990048299
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced on areas such as: crime, homicide, youth and adult courts, and corrections. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system.

    Release date: 1999-04-06

  • Articles and reports: 61F0019X19990015580
    Geography: Canada

    International shipping is a highly competitve industry, especially the shipping of containers. Shipping lines are constantly trying to increase productivity by reducing costs and by attracting larger volumes of containers. In response to spiraling container freight rates, the lines have been driven to increase economies of scale. These economies are expected to be achieved through largers ships and fewer, more efficient port calls. Larger ships and client demands for frequent service have encouraged innovative alliances and pooling agreements among lines to maximize the use of this larger capacity.

    Release date: 1999-02-25
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

Analysis (7)

Analysis (7) ((7 results))

  • Articles and reports: 88F0017M1999007
    Geography: Canada

    This paper looks at the impediments to innovations perceived by Canadian firms. It focuses on communication, financial services and technical business services.

    Release date: 1999-12-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0017M1999006
    Geography: Canada

    This report describes the basic characteristics of the firms using biotechnologies, the type of use of biotechnologies, the stage of use and future use, the obstacles to acquisition and implementation of biotechnologies, the advantages obtained, and internal and external sources of information leading to biotechnology use.

    Release date: 1999-11-19

  • Journals and periodicals: 82F0076X
    Geography: Canada

    Heart disease and stroke are major causes of illness, disability and death in Canada and they exact high personal, community and health care costs. The goal of The changing face of heart disease and stroke in Canada, the fifth in a series of reports from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Surveillance System (CHSSS), is to provide health professionals and policy makers with an overview of current trends in risk factors, interventions and services, and health outcomes of heart disease and stroke in Canada.

    Release date: 1999-10-21

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M1997008
    Geography: Province or territory

    In light of a recent change in population coverage, this study was initiated to determine whether the integrity of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) should be questioned on the grounds that it does not explicitly take into account rural house price movements. An attempt is made here to quantify the potential impact, using various regimes of artificial data to represent house price movements for rural regions. The regimes were manufactured in a way that allowed the analysis of differences between urban and rural regions in terms of the evolution of house prices, as well as differences in their cumulative price index levels. Three provinces were considered: Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, all of which have large rural populations. The study results were monthly indexes for the time period, January 1986 to December 1994. The general conclusion was that house prices in rural regions would have to move very differently from those in urban regions to affect the overall level of the CPI. However, in the case of lower-level aggregates the failure to include rural house prices could be having an important effect. In addition, even when cumulative house price movements for rural and urban regions are similar, differences in their evolution tend to have an effect on the trend of the CPI, especially in the case of lower-level aggregates. While it is tempting to conclude that the current CPI methodology is robust enough to apply to the expanded population, this would be based purely on conjecture about the nature of movements in rural house prices. Hence, a second phase of this study will be initiated, whose purpose will be to develop a methodology to construct price indexes for rural regions.

    Release date: 1999-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1998119
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines differences in technology use in Canada as opposed to the United States as well as reasons for these differences. It examines different aspects of technology use-numbers of technologies used, types of technologies used, as well as regional, size and industry variations in their use. It then investigates differences in benefits that plant managers perceive stem from advanced technology use and differences in the factors that managers assess as impediments. While managers in both countries generally place quite similar emphases on items in the list of benefits received and problems that have impeded adoption, there are significant differences that arise because of the smaller size of the Canadian market.

    Release date: 1999-04-07

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990048299
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced on areas such as: crime, homicide, youth and adult courts, and corrections. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system.

    Release date: 1999-04-06

  • Articles and reports: 61F0019X19990015580
    Geography: Canada

    International shipping is a highly competitve industry, especially the shipping of containers. Shipping lines are constantly trying to increase productivity by reducing costs and by attracting larger volumes of containers. In response to spiraling container freight rates, the lines have been driven to increase economies of scale. These economies are expected to be achieved through largers ships and fewer, more efficient port calls. Larger ships and client demands for frequent service have encouraged innovative alliances and pooling agreements among lines to maximize the use of this larger capacity.

    Release date: 1999-02-25
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