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  • Table: 81-595-M2010088
    Geography: Canada

    The report provides elementary and secondary school data at the provincial, territorial and Canada-wide levels for key education statistics, such as enrolment, graduates, finance, and educator. Data is collected for a seven-year period which allows for extensive review of the data going back to 1997, the first school year that elementary-secondary education statistics are on file.

    Release date: 2010-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2010087
    Geography: Canada

    This report examines the link between educational pathways and labour market outcomes of youth from all 5 cycles of the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS-Cohort B). The educational pathways are organized according to three major criteria: (1) No postsecondary education, (2) Direct route to postsecondary education, and (3) Indirect route to postsecondary education. Data from Cycle 5 of YITS, when youth were aged 26 to 28, provide a relatively complete examination of labour market outcomes as rising rates of participation in postsecondary education in Canada have led to a delay in entry into the labour market for many young adults. The current report focuses on two labour market outcomes full-year employment and annual earnings' at two different time points -- 1 to 2 years and 5 to 6 years after respondents have left school on a full-time basis. Results highlight the positive influence of a university education on labour market outcomes, especially several years after leaving school. Moreover, there is some weak evidence to suggest that university graduates who delayed going to a postsecondary program were more likely than their counterparts who had not delayed to be employed several years after leaving school.

    Release date: 2010-12-17

  • Table: 81-590-X2010001
    Geography: Canada

    This report provides the first pan-Canadian results of the PISA 2009 assessment of reading, mathematics and science by presenting the national and provincial results in order to complement the information presented in the PISA 2009 International report. Results are compared to other participating countries and across Canadian provinces. Chapter 1 provides information on the performance of Canadian 15-year-old students on the PISA 2009 assessment in reading. Chapter 2 presents results on the performance of Canada and the provinces in the minor domains of mathematics and science. Finally, the major findings and opportunities for further study are discussed in the conclusion.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-590-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    Information gathered through PISA enables a thorough comparative analysis of the skill level of students near the end of their compulsory education. PISA also permits exploration of the ways that skills vary across different social and economic groups and the factors that influence the level and distribution of skills within and between countries.

    PISA is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In Canada, PISA is administered through a partnership of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Statistics Canada.

    PISA will be repeated every three years. The first PISA cycle was conducted in 2000 and focused on reading, with mathematics and science as minor domains. The focus shifts to mathematics in PISA 2003, to science in 2006, and back to reading in 2009.

    These reports provide results of the PISA assessments of student performance at the provincial level, and compare the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Table: 81-595-M2010086
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin contains salary information for the year 2009/2010. Information is provided for institutions that have determined salaries for the period and have responded to the survey by August 2010. This information is collected annually under the University and College Academic Staff System and has a reference date of October 1st. Therefore, the data reflect employment in universities as of that date. Each university must authorize Statistics Canada to release their information. However, information for institutions that have less than 100 full-time staff are not included in this bulletin but are available by special request.

    Release date: 2010-09-28

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000211335
    Geography: Canada

    Women have made substantial gains in education over the last few decades and are now more likely to have a university degree than men. At the same time, the conjugal situation of female university graduates has changed considerably. Using data from the 1981 to 2006 Censuses, this article examines how the propensity to form unions (marriage or common-law) has changed for women with university degrees compared to those without a university education. It also compares the incidence of female university graduates forming unions with similarly educated males over time.

    Release date: 2010-09-09

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2010084
    Geography: Canada

    The successful integration of immigrants into the Canadian labour market is of interest to Canadian public policy and to current and potential immigrants, alike. Using data from the 2006 Census of Population, this report aims to develop a better understanding of the integration of internationally-trained educated immigrants into the Canadian labour market compared to those (Canadian-born or other immigrants) who completed their education in Canada i.e., Are they working in an occupation related to their field of study or in an equivalent occupation? What are their working conditions and earnings? In doing so, this report presents a socio-demographic profile of internationally-educated immigrants upon their arrival in Canada and examines their labour market outcomes by time elapsed since landing.

    Release date: 2010-09-09

  • Stats in brief: 88-001-X201000511240
    Geography: Canada

    The higher education sector is composed of all universities, colleges of technology and other institutes of postsecondary education, whatever their source of finance or legal status. It also includes all research institutes, experimental stations and clinics operating under the direct control of, or administered by, or associated with higher education establishments.

    Release date: 2010-09-08

  • Table: 81-595-M2010085
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin presents the final set of tables which contain salary information for the year 2008/2009. This information is collected annually under the University and College Academic Staff System and has a reference date of October 1st. Therefore, the data reflect employment in universities as of that date. Each university must authorize Statistics Canada to release their information. However, information for institutions that have less than 100 full-time staff are not included.

    Release date: 2010-08-10

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201010413248
    Geography: Canada

    Finding a job related to one's studies is a key factor for many job seekers. Closely matching individual and job skills can be beneficial for both employees and employers. This study uses the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics to estimate the wage premium for a close job-to-education match among men and women who graduated from universities and community colleges while controlling for field of study and demographic factors.

    Release date: 2010-06-22
Data (5)

Data (5) ((5 results))

  • Table: 81-595-M2010088
    Geography: Canada

    The report provides elementary and secondary school data at the provincial, territorial and Canada-wide levels for key education statistics, such as enrolment, graduates, finance, and educator. Data is collected for a seven-year period which allows for extensive review of the data going back to 1997, the first school year that elementary-secondary education statistics are on file.

    Release date: 2010-12-20

  • Table: 81-590-X2010001
    Geography: Canada

    This report provides the first pan-Canadian results of the PISA 2009 assessment of reading, mathematics and science by presenting the national and provincial results in order to complement the information presented in the PISA 2009 International report. Results are compared to other participating countries and across Canadian provinces. Chapter 1 provides information on the performance of Canadian 15-year-old students on the PISA 2009 assessment in reading. Chapter 2 presents results on the performance of Canada and the provinces in the minor domains of mathematics and science. Finally, the major findings and opportunities for further study are discussed in the conclusion.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Table: 81-595-M2010086
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin contains salary information for the year 2009/2010. Information is provided for institutions that have determined salaries for the period and have responded to the survey by August 2010. This information is collected annually under the University and College Academic Staff System and has a reference date of October 1st. Therefore, the data reflect employment in universities as of that date. Each university must authorize Statistics Canada to release their information. However, information for institutions that have less than 100 full-time staff are not included in this bulletin but are available by special request.

    Release date: 2010-09-28

  • Table: 81-595-M2010085
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin presents the final set of tables which contain salary information for the year 2008/2009. This information is collected annually under the University and College Academic Staff System and has a reference date of October 1st. Therefore, the data reflect employment in universities as of that date. Each university must authorize Statistics Canada to release their information. However, information for institutions that have less than 100 full-time staff are not included.

    Release date: 2010-08-10

  • Table: 81-595-M2010082
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin presents the final set of tables which contain salary information for the year 2007/2008. This information is collected annually under the University and College Academic Staff System and has a reference date of October 1st. Therefore, the data reflect employment in universities as of that date. Each university must authorize Statistics Canada to release their information. However, information for institutions that have less than 100 full-time staff are not included.

    Release date: 2010-05-05
Analysis (9)

Analysis (9) ((9 results))

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2010087
    Geography: Canada

    This report examines the link between educational pathways and labour market outcomes of youth from all 5 cycles of the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS-Cohort B). The educational pathways are organized according to three major criteria: (1) No postsecondary education, (2) Direct route to postsecondary education, and (3) Indirect route to postsecondary education. Data from Cycle 5 of YITS, when youth were aged 26 to 28, provide a relatively complete examination of labour market outcomes as rising rates of participation in postsecondary education in Canada have led to a delay in entry into the labour market for many young adults. The current report focuses on two labour market outcomes full-year employment and annual earnings' at two different time points -- 1 to 2 years and 5 to 6 years after respondents have left school on a full-time basis. Results highlight the positive influence of a university education on labour market outcomes, especially several years after leaving school. Moreover, there is some weak evidence to suggest that university graduates who delayed going to a postsecondary program were more likely than their counterparts who had not delayed to be employed several years after leaving school.

    Release date: 2010-12-17

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-590-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    Information gathered through PISA enables a thorough comparative analysis of the skill level of students near the end of their compulsory education. PISA also permits exploration of the ways that skills vary across different social and economic groups and the factors that influence the level and distribution of skills within and between countries.

    PISA is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In Canada, PISA is administered through a partnership of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Statistics Canada.

    PISA will be repeated every three years. The first PISA cycle was conducted in 2000 and focused on reading, with mathematics and science as minor domains. The focus shifts to mathematics in PISA 2003, to science in 2006, and back to reading in 2009.

    These reports provide results of the PISA assessments of student performance at the provincial level, and compare the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000211335
    Geography: Canada

    Women have made substantial gains in education over the last few decades and are now more likely to have a university degree than men. At the same time, the conjugal situation of female university graduates has changed considerably. Using data from the 1981 to 2006 Censuses, this article examines how the propensity to form unions (marriage or common-law) has changed for women with university degrees compared to those without a university education. It also compares the incidence of female university graduates forming unions with similarly educated males over time.

    Release date: 2010-09-09

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2010084
    Geography: Canada

    The successful integration of immigrants into the Canadian labour market is of interest to Canadian public policy and to current and potential immigrants, alike. Using data from the 2006 Census of Population, this report aims to develop a better understanding of the integration of internationally-trained educated immigrants into the Canadian labour market compared to those (Canadian-born or other immigrants) who completed their education in Canada i.e., Are they working in an occupation related to their field of study or in an equivalent occupation? What are their working conditions and earnings? In doing so, this report presents a socio-demographic profile of internationally-educated immigrants upon their arrival in Canada and examines their labour market outcomes by time elapsed since landing.

    Release date: 2010-09-09

  • Stats in brief: 88-001-X201000511240
    Geography: Canada

    The higher education sector is composed of all universities, colleges of technology and other institutes of postsecondary education, whatever their source of finance or legal status. It also includes all research institutes, experimental stations and clinics operating under the direct control of, or administered by, or associated with higher education establishments.

    Release date: 2010-09-08

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201010413248
    Geography: Canada

    Finding a job related to one's studies is a key factor for many job seekers. Closely matching individual and job skills can be beneficial for both employees and employers. This study uses the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics to estimate the wage premium for a close job-to-education match among men and women who graduated from universities and community colleges while controlling for field of study and demographic factors.

    Release date: 2010-06-22

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2010081
    Geography: Canada

    International comparisons show that the percentage of both college- and university-educated workers who earn less than half of the median employment income is higher than in Canada than in most, if not all, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. Data from Statistics Canada's Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) show that 18% of university-educated adults and 23% of college-educated adults aged 25 to 64 in Canada earned less than half the national median employment income in 2006.

    This study uses descriptive statistics and logistic regression techniques in order to shed light on the type of highly educated worker who is likely to fall into lower employment earnings, taking into account a range of characteristics, including age, sex, field of study, occupation and industry. While all of the workers in the study population had non-zero employment earnings, many of them reported an activity other than working as their main activity for the year, a key factor in explaining their low-earnings situation. Other factors associated with having a college or university education while also having low employment earnings include being self-employed, working in certain occupations or industries and being female.

    Release date: 2010-04-21

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201010113242
    Geography: Canada

    The student borrowing rate among postsecondary graduates increased between 1995 and 2005, with borrowers differing little from non-borrowers in terms of employment rates and total personal income. However, borrowers were less likely to have savings or investments, or own their own homes. Total debt for borrower and non-borrower graduates age 20 to 29 was similar, while borrowers had lower assets and net worth than non-borrowers.

    Release date: 2010-03-23

  • 9. Social fact sheet Archived
    Stats in brief: 11-008-X201000111132
    Geography: Canada

    This Social Fact Sheet provides data on demographics, health, education and religion for women and men.

    Release date: 2010-03-08
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