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Survey or statistical program

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All (391)

All (391) (0 to 10 of 391 results)

  • Table: 36-10-0224-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual current account statistics for the household sector, including saving rate and disposable income, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0225-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual final consumption expenditure for the household sector, in current and constant 2017 prices, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0432-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual final consumption expenditure for the household sector excluding sales tax; provincial sales taxes, and; Goods and Services tax, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0482-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Household sector's property income received and paid, by province and territory.

    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 11-10-0016-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Assets and debts held by family units and by age groups, total amounts.
    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0049-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional

    This table contains 58320 series, with data for years 1999 - 2016 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (20 items: Canada; Atlantic; Newfoundland and Labrador; Prince Edward Island; ...);  Assets and debts (27 items: Total assets; Private pension assets; Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other; Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs); ...);  Net worth quintiles (6 items: Total, all net worth quintiles; Lowest net worth quintile; Second net worth quintile; Middle net worth quintile; ...);  Statistics (6 items: Total values; Percentage of total assets or total debts; Number holding asset or debt; Percentage holding asset or debt; ...);  Confidence intervals (3 items: Estimate; Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval; Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval).

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0057-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional

    This table contains 58320 series, with data for years 1999 - 2016 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (20 items: Canada; Atlantic; Newfoundland and Labrador; Prince Edward Island; ...);  Assets and debts (27 items: Total assets; Private pension assets; Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other; Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs); ...);  After-tax income quintiles (6 items: Total, all after-tax income quintiles; Lowest after-tax income quintile; Second after-tax income quintile; Middle after-tax income quintile; ...);  Statistics (6 items: Total values; Percentage of total assets or total debts; Number holding asset or debt; Percentage holding asset or debt; ...);  Confidence intervals (3 items: Estimate; Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval; Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval).

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0083-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Percentage of persons in asset resilience for at least one, three and six months, by age group and family type, by national low income measure (LIM) and after-tax household income measure, Canada and provinces.

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0024-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    This table provides statistics on year-over-year low-income transitions, including low income entry and exit rates, low income resistance, and low income immobility rates among Canadian taxfilers. The low income measure (LIM) is used to identify low income taxfilers. The LIM threshold is calculated as half of the median of the adjusted family after-tax income of all taxfilers and their family members. This table uses two different types of LIM: the variable LIM is based on the median total income re-calculated year, while the fixed LIM is based on the median total income in 2002 adjusted yearly by the all-items Consumer Price Index.

    Release date: 2024-10-28

  • Table: 11-10-0025-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    This table provides information on the number of years in low income over an eight-year period among Canadian taxfilers. The years in low-income may or may not be adjacent to each other. The low income measure (LIM) is used to identify low income taxfilers. The LIM threshold is calculated as half of the median of the adjusted family after-tax income of all taxfilers and their family members. This table uses two different types of LIM: the variable LIM is based on the median total income re-calculated each year, while the fixed LIM is based on the median total income in 2002 adjusted yearly by the all-items Consumer Price Index.

    Release date: 2024-10-28
Data (365)

Data (365) (0 to 10 of 365 results)

  • Table: 36-10-0224-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual current account statistics for the household sector, including saving rate and disposable income, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0225-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual final consumption expenditure for the household sector, in current and constant 2017 prices, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0432-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual final consumption expenditure for the household sector excluding sales tax; provincial sales taxes, and; Goods and Services tax, by province and territory.
    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 36-10-0482-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Household sector's property income received and paid, by province and territory.

    Release date: 2024-11-07

  • Table: 11-10-0016-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Assets and debts held by family units and by age groups, total amounts.
    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0049-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional

    This table contains 58320 series, with data for years 1999 - 2016 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (20 items: Canada; Atlantic; Newfoundland and Labrador; Prince Edward Island; ...);  Assets and debts (27 items: Total assets; Private pension assets; Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other; Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs); ...);  Net worth quintiles (6 items: Total, all net worth quintiles; Lowest net worth quintile; Second net worth quintile; Middle net worth quintile; ...);  Statistics (6 items: Total values; Percentage of total assets or total debts; Number holding asset or debt; Percentage holding asset or debt; ...);  Confidence intervals (3 items: Estimate; Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval; Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval).

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0057-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Occasional

    This table contains 58320 series, with data for years 1999 - 2016 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (20 items: Canada; Atlantic; Newfoundland and Labrador; Prince Edward Island; ...);  Assets and debts (27 items: Total assets; Private pension assets; Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other; Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs); ...);  After-tax income quintiles (6 items: Total, all after-tax income quintiles; Lowest after-tax income quintile; Second after-tax income quintile; Middle after-tax income quintile; ...);  Statistics (6 items: Total values; Percentage of total assets or total debts; Number holding asset or debt; Percentage holding asset or debt; ...);  Confidence intervals (3 items: Estimate; Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval; Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval).

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0083-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Percentage of persons in asset resilience for at least one, three and six months, by age group and family type, by national low income measure (LIM) and after-tax household income measure, Canada and provinces.

    Release date: 2024-10-29

  • Table: 11-10-0024-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    This table provides statistics on year-over-year low-income transitions, including low income entry and exit rates, low income resistance, and low income immobility rates among Canadian taxfilers. The low income measure (LIM) is used to identify low income taxfilers. The LIM threshold is calculated as half of the median of the adjusted family after-tax income of all taxfilers and their family members. This table uses two different types of LIM: the variable LIM is based on the median total income re-calculated year, while the fixed LIM is based on the median total income in 2002 adjusted yearly by the all-items Consumer Price Index.

    Release date: 2024-10-28

  • Table: 11-10-0025-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    This table provides information on the number of years in low income over an eight-year period among Canadian taxfilers. The years in low-income may or may not be adjacent to each other. The low income measure (LIM) is used to identify low income taxfilers. The LIM threshold is calculated as half of the median of the adjusted family after-tax income of all taxfilers and their family members. This table uses two different types of LIM: the variable LIM is based on the median total income re-calculated each year, while the fixed LIM is based on the median total income in 2002 adjusted yearly by the all-items Consumer Price Index.

    Release date: 2024-10-28
Analysis (14)

Analysis (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-626-X2019004
    Geography: Province or territory

    This article in the Economics Insights series documents the employment histories and income sources of people who died of an illicit drug overdose in British Columbia from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2016. The data are from the British Columbia (BC) Coroners Service and from administrative data files.

    Release date: 2019-04-10

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154976
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article examines economic factors that differentiate those who come into contact with the justice system once, compared to those who have repeated contact. Linking justice data from the Saskatchewan re-contact analytical file and tax information from the T1 Family File, this article provides an economic and employment profile of adults who had contact with Saskatchewan police between April 2009 and March 2010. In addition, inequalities in certain measures of health and social well-being among those who had a contact with Saskatchewan police between 2009 and 2010 are also explored.

    Release date: 2018-09-06

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201200111628
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    Using data available from the Survey of Maintenance Enforcement Programs, the article profiles a particularly challenging aspect of maintenance enforcement, interjurisdictional support order (ISO) cases of child and spousal support within nine provinces and territories: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The article gives a general overview of maintenance enforcement cases, followed by a detailed analysis of ISO cases, and concludes with a look at international ISO cases.

    Release date: 2012-03-28

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2008006
    Geography: Province or territory

    Comparisons of low income between regions may have impacts on policy choices. However, it is often argued that rankings of distributions are not robust and that they are also quite sensitive to methods of defining low income. This paper avoids these problems by using a stochastic dominance approach to compare regional low income profiles in Canada without arbitrarily specifying a low-income line. This analysis is carried out for the 10 provinces using the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics for 2000. Robustness of the results is also verified with respect to different choices of spatial price deflators and equivalence scales. The extent to which the findings are sensitive to the choice of an absolute or a relative concept of low income is also examined. We show that, in most cases, dominance relations can be determined and regional low income can be ordered for a wide range of low-income lines. We also show that dominance results are robust to the choice of equivalence scales, while rank reversal occurs when alternative cost-of-living deflators are used. Switching from an absolute to a relative low-income concept only affects low-income rankings for Ontario, Quebec and the Prairie provinces, but not in the case of other provinces. Nevertheless, for all scales, we find that low income is greatest in British Columbia.

    Release date: 2008-10-09

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2008071
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    Using data from the monthly Retail Trade Survey this study examines the sales for the year 2007. This annual review describes sales growth and trends by trade groups such as new motor vehicle dealers, supermarkets and general merchandise stores. This study focuses on provincial sales.

    Release date: 2008-05-26

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X200700310456
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

    Snowblower ownership is affected by a variety of socio-economic, cultural and climatic factors. This article shows household ownership of gas-powered snowblowers in 2006, by province, using data from the Households and the Environment Survey. It also presents data on snowblower ownership in certain cities, juxtaposed with data on average snowfall.

    Release date: 2007-12-10

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2005034
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    This article analyses Holiday retail sales in 2004 by commodity as well as by province and territory using data from the Monthly Retail Trade Survey and the Quarterly Retail Commodity Survey. Western Canadians led the country last Christmas in December 2004, with Albertans spending more per capita in retail stores than consumers in any other province. For Canada as a whole, the pace of growth in sales in stores doubled in December 2004 compared with the same month in 2003. What did shoppers buy besides toys and clothing? Jewellery, cameras and small electrical appliances were very popular gift items for the season.

    Release date: 2005-12-07

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X20050088449
    Geography: Province or territory

    The purpose of this paper is to analyse geographic income disparities in Canada from the perspective of provinces and especially urban and rural areas. In particular, it looks at how per capita incomes vary across the urban-rural continuum - that is, how per capita incomes in large cities like Toronto and Montreal compare with medium sized cities like Halifax and Victoria, small cities like Brandon and Drummondville and with rural areas.

    Release date: 2005-08-11

  • Articles and reports: 11-624-M2005012
    Geography: Province or territory

    This paper describes per capita employment income disparities across provinces and across the urban-rural continuum, from larger to small cities and between cities and rural areas. Its first objective is to compare the degree of income disparities across provinces to income disparities across the urban-rural continuum. Its second objective is to determine the extent to which provincial disparities can be tied to the urban-rural composition of provinces. The paper also seeks to determine whether urban-rural disparities in per capita employment income stem from poorer labour market conditions in smaller cities and rural areas compared to large cities.

    Release date: 2005-07-21

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2005030
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    This study examines the inflation rate experienced by lower- and higher-income households from 1992 to 2004. The reasons for Canada-wide and provincial-level differences in inflation are examined.

    Release date: 2005-06-17
Reference (13)

Reference (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2014001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This report describes the quality indicators produced for the 2012 Survey of Household Spending. These quality indicators, such as coefficients of variation, nonresponse rates, slippage rates and imputation rates, help users interpret the survey data.

    Release date: 2014-01-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2013001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This report describes the quality indicators produced for the 2011 Survey of Household Spending. These quality indicators, such as coefficients of variation, nonresponse rates, slippage rates and imputation rates, help users interpret the survey data.

    Release date: 2013-01-30

  • Notices and consultations: 62F0026M2012001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This report describes the quality indicators produced for the 2010 Survey of Household Spending. These quality indicators, such as coefficients of variation, nonresponse rates, slippage rates and imputation rates, help users interpret the survey data.

    Release date: 2012-04-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2010006
    Geography: Province or territory

    This report describes the quality indicators produced for the 2009 Survey of Household Spending. These quality indicators, such as coefficients of variation, nonresponse rates, slippage rates and imputation rates, help users interpret the survey data.

    Release date: 2010-12-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2009002
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households. The survey covers private households in the 10 provinces. (The territories are surveyed every second year, starting in 1999.)

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the various statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share, aggregates and medians).

    Release date: 2009-12-18

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2009001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households. The survey covers private households in the 10 provinces. (The territories are surveyed every second year, starting in 1999.)

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the various statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share, aggregates and medians)

    Release date: 2008-12-22

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2008001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households. The survey covers private households in the 10 provinces. (The territories are surveyed every second year, starting in 1999.)

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the various statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share, aggregates and medians).

    Release date: 2008-02-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2006001
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households. The survey covers private households in the 10 provinces. (The territories are surveyed every second year, starting in 1999.)

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the various statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share, aggregates and medians).

    Release date: 2006-12-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2005007
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households. The survey covers private households in the 10 provinces. (The territories are surveyed every second year, starting in 1999.)

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the various statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share, aggregates and medians).

    Release date: 2005-12-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 62F0026M2004003
    Geography: Province or territory

    This guide presents information of interest to users of data from the Survey of Household Spending, which gathers information on the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households.

    This guide includes definitions of survey terms and variables, as well as descriptions of survey methodology and data quality. One section describes the statistics that can be created using expenditure data (e.g., budget share, market share and aggregates).

    Release date: 2004-12-13
Date modified: