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  • Journals and periodicals: 89F0096X
    Geography: Canada

    These highlights provide a brief summary of the report 'Employee training: an international perspective', the latest monograph released using data from the International Adult Literacy Survey. The report provides new insights into training issues in seven countries: Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden. The study examines full-time paid workers between the ages of 25 and 60, who had been employed for at least 42 weeks in the 12 months preceding the survey (about nine months in the previous year). (Although the self-employed account for a growing share of the work force, they are not included in the analysis.)

    Release date: 1997-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 89-552-M1997002
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines full-time paid workers between the ages of 25 and 60 in Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden.

    Release date: 1997-12-12

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19970013089
    Geography: Canada

    This article focuses on the incidence of job-related education and training among the population and among workers, differentiating whether or not the training activities were employer-supported. It also explores the likelihood of receiving job-related education and training in 1993 using two complementary statistical approaches: first, a direct reading of the distribution of participants in education and training compared with the distribution of the population, divided by major characteristics; and, second, the use of a statistical technique (logistic regression) that considers each characteristic while taking others into account. In the analysis, several characteristics were retained: four demographic characteristics (sex, age, educational attainment and province of residence) and seven labour market variables (labour market status, occupation, industry, job tenure, company size, total income and union status). (For the logistic regression analysis, all these variables were decomposed into a series of dichotomous variables).

    Release date: 1997-05-30
Data (0)

Data (0) (0 results)

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Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Journals and periodicals: 89F0096X
    Geography: Canada

    These highlights provide a brief summary of the report 'Employee training: an international perspective', the latest monograph released using data from the International Adult Literacy Survey. The report provides new insights into training issues in seven countries: Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden. The study examines full-time paid workers between the ages of 25 and 60, who had been employed for at least 42 weeks in the 12 months preceding the survey (about nine months in the previous year). (Although the self-employed account for a growing share of the work force, they are not included in the analysis.)

    Release date: 1997-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 89-552-M1997002
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines full-time paid workers between the ages of 25 and 60 in Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden.

    Release date: 1997-12-12

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19970013089
    Geography: Canada

    This article focuses on the incidence of job-related education and training among the population and among workers, differentiating whether or not the training activities were employer-supported. It also explores the likelihood of receiving job-related education and training in 1993 using two complementary statistical approaches: first, a direct reading of the distribution of participants in education and training compared with the distribution of the population, divided by major characteristics; and, second, the use of a statistical technique (logistic regression) that considers each characteristic while taking others into account. In the analysis, several characteristics were retained: four demographic characteristics (sex, age, educational attainment and province of residence) and seven labour market variables (labour market status, occupation, industry, job tenure, company size, total income and union status). (For the logistic regression analysis, all these variables were decomposed into a series of dichotomous variables).

    Release date: 1997-05-30
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Reference (0) (0 results)

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