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  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114474

    The need for standards introduced for the gathering and reporting of information on nonresponse across surveys within a statistical agency is discussed. Standards being adopted at Statistics Canada are then described. Measures to reduce nonresponse undertaken at different stages in the design of surveys at Statistics Canada that have a bearing on nonresponse are described. These points are illustrated by examining nonresponse experiences for two major surveys at Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114475

    In the creation of micro-simulation databases which are frequently used by policy analysts and planners, several datafiles are combined by statistical matching techniques for enriching the host datafile. This process requires the conditional independence assumption (CIA) which could lead to serious bias in the resulting joint relationships among variables. Appropriate auxiliary information could be used to avoid the CIA. In this report, methods of statistical matching corresponding to three methods of imputation, namely, regression, hot deck, and log linear, with and without auxiliary information are considered. The log linear methods consist of adding categorical constraints to either the regression or hot deck methods. Based on an extensive simulation study with synthetic data, sensitivity analyses for departures from the CIA are performed and gains from using auxiliary information are discussed. Different scenarios for the underlying distribution and relationships, such as symmetric versus skewed data and proxy versus nonproxy auxiliary data, are created using synthetic data. Some recommendations on the use of statistical matching methods are also made. Specifically, it was confirmed that the CIA could be a serious limitation which could be overcome by the use of appropriate auxiliary information. Hot deck methods were found to be generally preferable to regression methods. Also, when auxiliary information is available, log linear categorical constraints can improve performance of hot deck methods. This study was motivated by concerns about the use of the CIA in the construction of the Social Policy Simulation Database at Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114476

    This paper focuses on how to deal with record linkage errors when engaged in regression analysis. Recent work by Rubin and Belin (1991) and by Winkler and Thibaudeau (1991) provides the theory, computational algorithms, and software necessary for estimating matching probabilities. These advances allow us to update the work of Neter, Maynes, and Ramanathan (1965). Adjustment procedures are outlined and some successful simulations are described. Our results are preliminary and intended largely to stimulate further work.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114477

    A record-linkage process brings together records from two files into pairs of two records, one from each file, for the purpose of comparison. Each record represents an individual. The status of the pair is a “matched pair” status if the two records in the pair represent the same individual. The status is an “unmatched pair” status if the two records do not represent the same individual. The record-linkage process is governed by an underlying probabilistic process. A record-linkage rule infers the status of each pair of records based on the value of the comparison. The pair is declared a “link” if the inferred status is that of a matched pair, and it is declared a “non-link” if the inferred status is that of an unmatched pair. The discrimination power of a record-linkage rule is the capacity of the rule to designate a maximum number of matched pairs as links, while keeping the rate of unmatched pairs designated as links to a minimum. In general, to construct a discriminatory record-linkage rule, some assumptions must be made on the structure of the underlying probabilistic process. In most of the existing literature, it is assumed that the underlying probabilistic process is an instance of the conditional independence latent class model. However, in many situations, this assumption is false. In fact, many underlying probabilistic processes do not exhibit key properties associated with conditional independence latent class models. The paper introduces more general models. In particular, latent class models with dependencies are studied and it is shown how they can improve the discrimination power of particular record-linkage rules.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114478

    Record linkage refers to the use of an algorithmic technique for identifying pairs of records in separate data files that correspond to the same individual. This paper discusses a framework for evaluating sources of variation in record linkage based on viewing the procedure as a “black box” that takes input data and produces output (a set of declared matched pairs) that has certain properties. We illustrate the idea with a factorial experiment using census/post-enumeration survey data to assess the influence of a variety of factors thought to affect the accuracy of the procedure. The evaluation of record linkage becomes a standard statistical problem using this experimental framework. The investigation provides answers to several research questions, and it is argued that taking an experimental approach similar to that offered here is essential if progress is to be made in understanding the factors that contribute to the error properties of record-linkage procedures.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114479

    Matching records in different administrative data bases is a useful tool for conducting epidemiological studies to study relationships between environmental hazards and health status. With large data bases, sophisticated computerized record linkage algorithms can be used to evaluate the likelihood of a match between two records based on a comparison of one or more identifying variables for those records. Since matching errors are inevitable, consideration needs to be given to the effects of such errors on statistical inferences based on the linked files. This article provides an overview of record linkage methodology, and a discussion of the statistical issues associated with linkage errors.

    Release date: 1993-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19930021
    Geography: Canada

    A demographic profile of tax filers reporting interest and dividend income.

    Release date: 1993-06-08

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X199300216
    Geography: Canada

    A note on changing employment patterns by industry sector over the last three decades in ten industrialized countries.

    Release date: 1993-06-08

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X1993002162
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines the characteristics of self-employed workers in industries with above-average rates of self-employment from 1971 onwards.

    Release date: 1993-06-08

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X199300234
    Geography: Canada

    The interview discusses Canada's transition from an industrial to an information economy.

    Release date: 1993-06-08
Data (171)

Data (171) (60 to 70 of 171 results)

Analysis (46)

Analysis (46) (40 to 50 of 46 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X1993001108
    Geography: Canada

    An up-to-date look at RRSP contributions and benefits.

    Release date: 1993-03-04

  • 42. Facing retirement Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X1993001161
    Geography: Canada

    A look at some of the basic retirement planning done by working Canadians aged 45 to 64 and at the financial resources that will enable them to enjoy retirement.

    Release date: 1993-03-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X199300163
    Geography: Canada

    This article outlines trends since the mid-1970s in the labour market activity of female lone parents. Comparisons are made with wives in two-parent families.

    Release date: 1993-03-04

  • 44. Working shift Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X19930018
    Geography: Canada

    This article assesses the occurrence of non-standard work schedules by selected characteristics of shift work schedules by selected characteristics of shift workers and their main reasons for working shift.

    Release date: 1993-03-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X199300199
    Geography: Canada

    This study analyses growth in the number of women teaching full time at Canada's universities, from 1960 onwards.

    Release date: 1993-03-04

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X19930021570
    Geography: Canada

    By the end of 1992, a recovery appeared to be increasing its hold on the Canadian economy. A firming of employment and a pick-up in real wages helped to fuel higher household spending in the second half of the year. However, these positive developments were not enough to prevent the annual average unemployment rate from rising to a nine-year high of 11.3%

    Release date: 1993-02-18
Reference (3)

Reference (3) ((3 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-604-M1993026

    The Income and Expenditure Accounts (IEA) are structured in terms of four economic or institutional sectors, and transactors are grouped into homogeneous categories that play distinct roles in the economy. The Personal sector is concerned with individuals in their capacity as final consumers and as suppliers of labour. The Government sector centres on transactions by public authorities as they relate to taxation and public expenditure. The Profit-motivated Business sector consists of transactors producing goods and services for financial gain. The Non-resident sector shows all transactions taking place between resident economic agents and the rest of the world. Classifying transactors by similar motivation and behaviour into these broad groups is a useful tool that helps analyse the major players in the economy, their functions and interrelationships.

    The purpose of this paper is to develop quarterly estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) at factor cost in both current and constant prices for each of the institutional sectors within the IEA framework. The estimates of that will be shown, of the GDP, by sector, do not constitute a full production account, but nonetheless provide a measure of aggregate productive activity by sector of origin. They complement and extend the sector tables already available in the Income and Expenditure Accounts.

    Release date: 1993-11-30

  • Classification: 12-565-X

    The Standard Occupational Classification provides a systematic classification structure to identify and categorize the entire range of occupational activity in Canada. This up-to-date classification is based upon, and easily related to, the National Occupational Classification. It consists of 10 broad occupational categories which are subdivided into major groups, minor groups and unit groups. Definitions and occupational titles are provided for each unit group. An alphabetical index of the occupational titles classified to the unit group level is also included.

    Release date: 1993-08-23

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-604-M1993023

    This paper reports the results of a survey of national Income and Expenditure Accounts (IEA) release date practices as reported by national statistical bureaus. This international survey was conducted by the author between January and March 1993 by means of a questionnaire mailed to statisticians of several countries.

    Respondents to the survey were asked on what date their preliminary IEA estimates for each of the four quarters of the 1991 calendar year were officially released. They were also asked to indicate the dates on which each of the subsequent four revised sets of estimates were released. To avoid the possibility of unwarranted generalizations from a single year's experience, respondents were asked whether 1991 was a typical year or if there were special circumstances that affected the release dates in this particular period. Finally, general information was sought on each country's official revision policy.

    Release date: 1993-07-01
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