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- 21. Leasing services industries in the 1990's ArchivedArticles and reports: 63-016-X19980013843Geography: CanadaDescription:
Leasing, rather than buying, is increasingly becoming an attractive option for both consumers and businesses in today's economy. This article examines recent leasing services activities in Canada by focusing on two major industry groups: automobile and truck rental and leasing services. Also analyzed are each industry group's structure, characteristics and performance, with an emphasis on the 1991-95 period. In some instances, attention is focused on sub-industries within each broad industry group.
Release date: 1998-07-10 - Stats in brief: 63-016-X19980013844Geography: CanadaDescription:
This brief descriptive article takes a glance at changes in the output levels for various major service industry groups and some specific service industries within these groups. The major service industry groups to be examined here include: communications; finance, insurance and real estate; business services; traveler accommodation and food services; and leisure and personal services. These are the same industry groupings for which quarterly data are regularly presented in the latter half of this publication.
Release date: 1998-07-10 - Articles and reports: 63-016-X19970043642Geography: CanadaDescription:
The purpose of this paper is twofold: to examine the components of growth in the software development and computer service industry; and to juxtapose this against developments in international policy circles affecting both this industry and service industries in general. Part I offers a description of the major components of this industry with respect to classification. Part II examines recent trends at the industry and subsector level, showing how this industry has evolved through the 1990s.
Release date: 1998-04-15 - Articles and reports: 63-016-X19970043662Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article will first identify key factors that have led to the emergence of logistics. It will then look at the considerations and challenges associated with measuring the emerging logistics services industry.
Release date: 1998-04-15 - 25. The amusement and recreation services industries: Developments over the past five years ArchivedArticles and reports: 63-016-X19970043663Geography: CanadaDescription:
Beginning with this issue, Service Indicators is expanding its coverage of the services industries to include the amusement and recreation services industries and the personal and houshold services industries. This brief article investigates how the amusement and recreation services industry has fared since 1992, by examining its employment, remuneration and output data.
Release date: 1998-04-15 - 26. A close-up of culture/heritage travel in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 87-003-X19980023665Geography: CanadaDescription:
Tourism is increasingly seen as a means of providing a link between culture, heritage and identity and economic development and job stimulation. Each year, Canadian communities are expanding their repertoire of local events and activities in recognition of their importance in attracting tourists.
Release date: 1998-04-08 - 27. Software Development and Computer Service Industry ArchivedTable: 63-222-XDescription:
This publication contains the principal statistics for businesses providing computer services as a major activity. Data are presented by size group and province, and include class of customer, operating expenses and revenue distribution by type of service. The publication includes data analysis and discussion of survey objectives, questionnaire content, methodology and notes on data quality.
Release date: 1998-02-04 - Articles and reports: 61-532-X19970013504Description:
The objectives of this paper are to review recent structural changes in Canadian food processing industries and describe how these industries are positioning themselves to take advantage of export opportunities and changes in their domestic market. The paper also compares the performance of Canadian food processing industries with international standards and competitors.
Release date: 1998-02-02 - Articles and reports: 61-532-X19970013505Description:
For a number of years, the service component of the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI) has generally shown a higher rate of increase than the goods component. From 1961 to 1996, the average annual increase of service prices was 5.7 % as opposed to 4.9 % for goods.
Release date: 1998-02-02 - 30. Structures, conduct, economic performance of the insurance sector's financial intermediation activities ArchivedArticles and reports: 61-532-X19970013506Description:
The economic system has adopted many institutions that intermediate between buyers and sellers. In commodity markets there are retailers and supermarkets; in the housing market there are real estate agents; in financial markets, there are depository institutions (commercial banks, savings and loans institutions, credit unions), contractual savings institutions (insurance companies and pension funds) and investment intermediaries (mutual funds, finance companies).
Release date: 1998-02-02
Data (1)
Data (1) ((1 result))
- Table: 63-222-XDescription:
This publication contains the principal statistics for businesses providing computer services as a major activity. Data are presented by size group and province, and include class of customer, operating expenses and revenue distribution by type of service. The publication includes data analysis and discussion of survey objectives, questionnaire content, methodology and notes on data quality.
Release date: 1998-02-04
Analysis (29)
Analysis (29) (0 to 10 of 29 results)
- 1. Leasing Services Industries in the 1990s ArchivedArticles and reports: 63F0002X1998020Description:
Leasing, rather than buying, is increasingly becoming an attractive option for both consumers and businesses. This article looks at the industries that rent or lease: automobiles and trucks; and machinery and equipment. In some instances, the focus turns to the sub-industries comprising these broader industry groups. The article quantitatively examines the industries' financial performances, and employment, remuneration, and output levels from 1991 to 1995. Also examined is the effect of firm size on outcomes in these industries.
Release date: 1998-12-16 - 2. The gambling industry: Raising the stakes ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19980044037Geography: CanadaDescription:
Since the introduction of casinos and video lottery terminals in the 1990s, growth in gambling has outstripped that of most other industries. This article updates an earlier examination of employment and government revenue for this industry, as well as average household spending on games of chance.
Release date: 1998-12-09 - 3. Job stability ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19980044042Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article investigates the common claim that jobs are less stable in the service sector. It also contests the view that overall job stability has declined as the economy has shifted toward employment in services. (Adapted from an article in Canadian Economic Observer published in May 1998).
Release date: 1998-12-09 - 4. Business Services. Part 1: Evolution ArchivedArticles and reports: 63F0002X1995001Description:
The significance of business services in the economy and their role in fostering competitiveness has attracted considerable attention in recent years. This paper, the first of a two-part series, examines the evolution of business services in Canada over the last three decades. It draws a demographic profile of this group from an industrial and a geographical perspective, and analyzes its size, structure, output and growth, R & D involvement as well as the sources of demand and supply of business service commodities.
The industrial group is made up of a large number of small firms that produce services to be used primarily as intermediate inputs in the production processes of other industries. Business services industries are labour intensive with high value-added and are predominantly located in metropolitan areas. Their growth has outpaced the economy average by a huge margin. Despite the high level of exports, increasing deficits characterize international trade in business service commodities. Business services account for a significant proportion of R & D performed in Canada. They are not immune to economic downturns.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - 5. Business Services. Part 2: The Human Side ArchivedArticles and reports: 63F0002X1995002Description:
This paper is the second of a two-part series on business services and their role in the Canadian economy. It provides a detailed industrial and geographical profile of employment, illustrates its composition and major characteristics and analyzes its sources of growth by type, gender, occupation, education and other features.
Business services is a dynamic sector with impressive employment growth, considerably higher than the economy average. Growth has been particularly strong in self-employment, part-time and female employment. Much of the growth in employment originates in the computer services industry. The proportion of managerial and professional positions has been growing relative to clerical ones. Employment is heavily concentrated in urban centres. Individuals employed in these industries are better educated and better paid than the average worker.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - Articles and reports: 63F0002X1995003Description:
The funeral services industry touches, inevitably, on everyone's life. In Canada, this is reflected to a great degree by aspects of the industry's economic performance, as well as by the numerous regulations regarding public health and consumer protection. This paper draws from a number of sources to offer a wide-ranging picture of the industry and an outlook toward its future.The paper begins with an outline of the regulatory environment within which the Canadian funeral services industry operates. It then analyses its financial structure.
The industry is characterized by above-average profitability and revenue growth, as well as by low rates of exit and entry and rather limited concentration. The section on industry prices illustrates the potential for deriving average funeral costs from aggregate industry data. This is followed by a brief exposition of market demand, which in this industry's context, is measured by the number of deaths. Demographic projections conclusively point to a robust economic outlook for funeral services, particularly in light of the ageing of the Canadian population.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - 7. The Demand for Telecommunication Services ArchivedArticles and reports: 63F0002X1995005Description:
The new reality in the telecommunication service industry is one of competition among service suppliers for market shares. This paper analyzes and presents information from a survey on the demand and diffusion of telecommunication services by Business Services firms.
Businesses care very much about the prices of these services. At the same time they care about the range and the quality of services offered. They believe that use of such services is indispensable in dealing with their clients and improves their productivity. Currently, the service used the most is facsimile. Large firms use telecommunication services more extensively than others and they are taking full advantage of competition. 61% of the large firms surveyed use at least one alternative supplier. Firms in the computer services industry have a different pattern of use than other industries in the group. There is potential for growth in the use of all services.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - 8. Television: Glorious Past, Uncertain Future ArchivedArticles and reports: 63F0002X1995006Description:
This paper traces the path of television in Canada, from its introduction in 1952 to the present, examines its economics, discusses aspects of its content and takes a glimpse at its future.
Television stations compete more than ever before for advertising dollars. This reflects the increase in the number of stations as well as the emergence of specialty channels. At the same time, technological advancements have expanded the use television to more than just program viewing, while the average viewing time is on the decline. There exists an asymmetry between revenue generation and program expenses. Specifically, the advertising revenues generated by news and information do not cover the cost of production, while drama generates more advertising revenues than is required for its production or purchase.
The multi-channel universe promised by direct to home satellite broadcasting not only threatens even more the advertising revenue of television stations, but exerts further pressure on cable companies as well.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - Articles and reports: 63F0002X1996007Description:
The insurance industry in Canada is at a crossroads. The regulatory authorities are currently exploring whether or not to allow banks to sell insurance products. To gain a better understanding of the impact of such a decision, this paper examines the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry, during the 1987-1992 period. Emphasis is placed on the distinction between the direct insurance and reinsurance markets. The paper also analyzes the industry's market concentration by product line and compares the behaviour and performance of Canadian and foreign-controlled firms.
The analysis reveals a generally competitive market, in which many small firms co-exist with some very large ones. Foreign-controlled firms outnumber their Canadian counterparts, but are on average smaller and account for only one-quarter of the market. There is a substantial number of firms that specialize in a single product. These firms tend to operate in the largest markets, where they can spread the risk either among a large pool of customers, or through reinsurance. No correlation was found between firm size and efficiency.
Release date: 1998-11-20 - Articles and reports: 63F0002X1997010Description:
Temporary help is an integral part of the workforce strategy of many businesses. Temporary help workers may be on the payroll of the organization where they work or they may be employees of the firms in personnel supplier industry, placed in the organization under contract.
The study is an analysis of the personnel supplier industry, commonly known as the temporary help industry. The paper begins with a discussion of the special nature of the industry's product. The role of temporary help in the labour market is compared to just-in-time inventory technology in material handling and bridge financing in the financial markets. It then analyzes the industry's structure in terms of occupations and skill levels, degree of specialization and its determinants, competition at the industry and product levels, major markets and trade. Finally, the growth and cycles in the industry are analyzed in terms of the business demographics, highlighting the effect of firm size and vintage.
Release date: 1998-11-20
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