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All (1,101) (0 to 10 of 1,101 results)

  • Table: 16-10-0011-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly

    Monthly Canadian manufacturer's sales for 15 census metropolitan areas (CMA) for durable and non-durable goods by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Data in thousands of dollars. Unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data available from January 2013 to the current reference month. Not all combinations are available.

    Release date: 2025-02-14

  • Table: 33-10-0766-01
    Geography: Census subdivision, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Semi-annual
    Description: Canadian Business Counts, location counts with employees, by employment size ranges and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), census metropolitan areas and census subdivisions, December 2024.
    Release date: 2025-02-14

  • Table: 34-10-0286-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: The investment in residential and non-residential building construction represents the spending value of building construction by households, enterprises and governments for buildings.
    Release date: 2025-02-13

  • Table: 34-10-0285-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work.
    Release date: 2025-02-11

  • Table: 34-10-0285-02
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work, percentage change (x1,000).
    Release date: 2025-02-11

  • Table: 14-10-0458-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by census metropolitan area, gender and age group, three-month-moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0459-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by census metropolitan area. Data are also available for the standard error of the estimate, the standard error of the month-to-month change, and the standard error of the year-over-year change.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0459-02
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by census metropolitan area (CMA). Data are presented for 12 months earlier, previous and current month, as well as year-over-year and month-to-month level change and percentage change. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are also available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0460-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver census metropolitan areas. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0460-02
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver census metropolitan areas (CMAs). Data are presented for 12 months earlier, previous and current month, as well as year-over-year and month-to-month level change and percentage change. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are also available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07
Data (1,002)

Data (1,002) (0 to 10 of 1,002 results)

  • Table: 16-10-0011-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly

    Monthly Canadian manufacturer's sales for 15 census metropolitan areas (CMA) for durable and non-durable goods by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Data in thousands of dollars. Unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data available from January 2013 to the current reference month. Not all combinations are available.

    Release date: 2025-02-14

  • Table: 33-10-0766-01
    Geography: Census subdivision, Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Semi-annual
    Description: Canadian Business Counts, location counts with employees, by employment size ranges and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), census metropolitan areas and census subdivisions, December 2024.
    Release date: 2025-02-14

  • Table: 34-10-0286-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: The investment in residential and non-residential building construction represents the spending value of building construction by households, enterprises and governments for buildings.
    Release date: 2025-02-13

  • Table: 34-10-0285-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work.
    Release date: 2025-02-11

  • Table: 34-10-0285-02
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work, percentage change (x1,000).
    Release date: 2025-02-11

  • Table: 14-10-0458-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by census metropolitan area, gender and age group, three-month-moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0459-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by census metropolitan area. Data are also available for the standard error of the estimate, the standard error of the month-to-month change, and the standard error of the year-over-year change.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0459-02
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by census metropolitan area (CMA). Data are presented for 12 months earlier, previous and current month, as well as year-over-year and month-to-month level change and percentage change. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are also available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0460-01
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver census metropolitan areas. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07

  • Table: 14-10-0460-02
    Geography: Census metropolitan area
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment), unemployment rate, participation rate and employment rate by Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver census metropolitan areas (CMAs). Data are presented for 12 months earlier, previous and current month, as well as year-over-year and month-to-month level change and percentage change. Standard errors for the estimate, month-to-month change, and year-over-year change are also available.
    Release date: 2025-02-07
Analysis (100)

Analysis (100) (30 to 40 of 100 results)

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201000311352
    Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

    This annual report is an examination of homicide in Canada. Detailed information is presented on the characteristics of homicide incidents (murder, manslaughter and infanticide), victims and accused within the context of both short and long-term trends. Geographical patterns of homicide are examined at the national and provincial/territorial levels, as well as for major metropolitan areas. Other key themes include international comparisons of homicide, gang-related homicides, firearm-related homicides, youth homicide and family (including spousal) homicides. The data are intended to respond to the needs of those who work in the criminal justice system as well as to inform researchers, policy analysts, academics, the media and the public on the nature and extent of homicide in Canada.

    Release date: 2010-10-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000211159
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This article looks at movements of persons aged 25 to 44 years between central municipalities and suburban municipalities in the country's three largest metropolitan areas - Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver. More specifically, the article presents socio-economic characteristics of persons most and least likely to leave the central municipality for a neighbouring municipality.

    Release date: 2010-06-08

  • Articles and reports: 85F0033M2010024
    Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

    This profile analyzes the differences in the violent victimizations experienced by males and females that comes to the attention of the police. Specifically, the report examines the types of violations experienced by each gender, the seriousness of their victimization and the location of the incident. The report outlines the differences in overall rates of victimization at the census metropolitan area, provincial/territorial and national level. The analysis is based on 2008 police-reported data obtained from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Funding for this profile was provided by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues of the Department of Justice Canada.

    Release date: 2010-05-06

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201000111146
    Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

    This article examines the use of knives to commit violent crime in Canada with a particular focus on geographical differences. Detailed Information on homicide, robbery, and assault committed with knives is presented at the national, provincial and territorial levels as well as by census metropolitan areas. These data are intended to inform researchers, the media and the public and to inform the development of policy in Canada.

    Release date: 2010-04-27

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201000111116
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This study looks at child and spousal support, and government enforcement of that support, in different neighbourhoods (Census Tracts, CTs) in the census metropolitan areas from reporting jurisdictions (Halifax, Saint John, Moncton, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton). CTs are grouped into income quintiles; comparisons are made between lower and higher income CTs on a variety of indicators.

    Release date: 2010-03-25

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000111074
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This article looks at the prevalence of French-language knowledge among sales and service workers (salespersons, food servers, cashiers). Information is also provided regarding their use of French at work. There is a special focus on the metropolitan areas of Ottawa-Gatineau, Moncton, Sudbury and Montréal.

    Release date: 2010-01-26

  • Articles and reports: 85-561-M2010019
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This study examines the relationship between parental monitoring and youth violent delinquency, as well as the extent to which this relationship may be influenced by the school context. The study is based on data from the International Youth Survey (2006) which gathered information from a sample of students in grades 7, 8 and 9 attending Toronto schools. Findings indicate that a low level of parental monitoring is associated with a higher likelihood of youth violent delinquency, and this effect is stronger when youth attend schools where the prevalence of delinquency among the student population is high. This finding supports the hypothesis that the negative influence of low parental monitoring is magnified when youth are also exposed to a pool of delinquent peers, and further suggests that the effectiveness of particular parenting strategies may vary depending on the environments to which youth are exposed.

    Release date: 2010-01-12

  • Articles and reports: 16-001-M2009010
    Geography: Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part
    Description: Households in Canadian municipalities often have options when choosing the type of water they drink at home and whether they treat it prior to drinking it. The reasons why they might choose to treat their water could be aesthetic or there might have been problems in the past that are influencing their decisions today. Using data from the 2007 Households and the Environment Survey, the author explores some of the factors governing these decisions for households in a selection of Canadian municipalities.
    Release date: 2009-12-09

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200900410929
    Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

    This annual report is an examination of homicide in Canada. Detailed information is presented on the characteristics of homicide incidents (murder, manslaughter and infanticide), victims and accused within the context of both short and long-term trends. Geographical patterns of homicide are examined at the national and provincial/territorial levels, as well as for major metropolitan areas. Other key themes include international comparisons of homicide, gang-related homicides, firearm-related homicides, youth homicide and family (including spousal) homicides. The data are intended to respond to the needs of those who work in the criminal justice system as well as to inform researchers, policy analysts, academics, the media and the public on the nature and extent of homicide in Canada.

    Release date: 2009-10-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-561-M2009018
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This research paper focuses on the spatial analysis of crime and neighbourhood characteristics in Toronto. Analysis is based on police-reported crime data from the 2006 Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey and the 2006 Census of Population.

    Release date: 2009-09-24
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Geographic files and documentation: 16-510-X2017001
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This product contains restored 1971 census enumeration area boundaries for Canada's largest cities. It provides the public with a historical spatial data set to be used for reference, mapping, spatial and time series analysis. The restored boundaries include population and dwelling statistics.

    Release date: 2017-05-24
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