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- Stats in brief: 85-005-X201800154981Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
Findings from a new report indicate that those dying from preventable illicit drug overdoses in British Columbia are a diverse population. This group encompasses people that have no touch points with either the hospital, employment, social income assistance or justice systems in the years prior to fatal overdose. Yet at the opposite end of the spectrum, it also comprises individuals who have multiple touch points with at least one of these systems.
Release date: 2018-11-13 - 2. Mortality: Overview, 2014 to 2016 ArchivedArticles and reports: 91-209-X201800154957Description: This article examines mortality in Canada primarily for the years 2014 to 2016 including infant mortality, the probability of dying and life expectancy for males and females.Release date: 2018-06-28
- 3. Health-adjusted life expectancy in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X201800454950Description:
Over the past century, life expectancy at birth in Canada has risen substantially. However, these gains in the quantity of life say little about gains in the quality of life. This study calculates health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE), an indicator of quality of life, for the combined household and institutional population every four years from 1994/1995 to 2015. Trends over time in health status, life expectancy, and HALE are examined. The study also discusses how HALE has changed relative to life expectancy.
Release date: 2018-04-18
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Analysis (3) ((3 results))
- Stats in brief: 85-005-X201800154981Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
Findings from a new report indicate that those dying from preventable illicit drug overdoses in British Columbia are a diverse population. This group encompasses people that have no touch points with either the hospital, employment, social income assistance or justice systems in the years prior to fatal overdose. Yet at the opposite end of the spectrum, it also comprises individuals who have multiple touch points with at least one of these systems.
Release date: 2018-11-13 - 2. Mortality: Overview, 2014 to 2016 ArchivedArticles and reports: 91-209-X201800154957Description: This article examines mortality in Canada primarily for the years 2014 to 2016 including infant mortality, the probability of dying and life expectancy for males and females.Release date: 2018-06-28
- 3. Health-adjusted life expectancy in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X201800454950Description:
Over the past century, life expectancy at birth in Canada has risen substantially. However, these gains in the quantity of life say little about gains in the quality of life. This study calculates health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE), an indicator of quality of life, for the combined household and institutional population every four years from 1994/1995 to 2015. Trends over time in health status, life expectancy, and HALE are examined. The study also discusses how HALE has changed relative to life expectancy.
Release date: 2018-04-18
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