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- Articles and reports: 18-001-X2019001Description:
This study is part of the movement in the literature that supposes that entrepreneurship is an important factor in economic development and growth. A company’s success or failure is largely determined by the quality of corporate decisions made by the entrepreneur. However, since business decisions are intangible, their impact on a company’s performance is difficult to measure. This analysis aims to quantify the impact of business decisions. To measure intangibles, indexes were developed to measure a company’s management practices and long-term strategic directions, much like those developed by Bloom and Van Reenen (2007) and Brouillette and Ershov (2014).
Release date: 2019-04-02 - 2. Enterprise size class transition in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 18-001-X2018001Description:
This paper seeks to investigate enterprise dynamics in terms of employment in Canada. The tracking of changes in enterprise size over time can provide a useful overview of the trend in the performance of both the enterprises and the economy as a whole.
Using the Entrepreneurship Indicators Database for the years 2008 and 2014, this study divides enterprises into nine class sizes based on the number of employees. Then, enterprises that were active in 2008 with one or more employees were tracked to see in which size class they were in 2014. The analysis is based on an approach that consists of building transition matrices using enterprise size classes.
Release date: 2018-03-15 - Table: 33-10-0136-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Active enterprises with one or more employees, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0137-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Employer enterprise births, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0138-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Employer enterprise deaths, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0139-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of employer enterprises newly born having survived one year, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0140-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of employer enterprises newly born having survived two years, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0141-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of persons employed in employer enterprises newly born, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0142-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of persons employed in employer enterprise deaths, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0143-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: High-growth enterprises based on number of employees and revenue, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).Release date: 2015-12-07
Data (9)
Data (9) ((9 results))
- Table: 33-10-0136-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Active enterprises with one or more employees, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0137-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Employer enterprise births, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0138-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Employer enterprise deaths, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0139-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of employer enterprises newly born having survived one year, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0140-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of employer enterprises newly born having survived two years, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0141-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of persons employed in employer enterprises newly born, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0142-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of persons employed in employer enterprise deaths, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size.Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0143-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: High-growth enterprises based on number of employees and revenue, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).Release date: 2015-12-07
- Table: 33-10-0144-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Gazelle enterprises based on number of employees and revenue, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).Release date: 2015-12-07
Analysis (2)
Analysis (2) ((2 results))
- Articles and reports: 18-001-X2019001Description:
This study is part of the movement in the literature that supposes that entrepreneurship is an important factor in economic development and growth. A company’s success or failure is largely determined by the quality of corporate decisions made by the entrepreneur. However, since business decisions are intangible, their impact on a company’s performance is difficult to measure. This analysis aims to quantify the impact of business decisions. To measure intangibles, indexes were developed to measure a company’s management practices and long-term strategic directions, much like those developed by Bloom and Van Reenen (2007) and Brouillette and Ershov (2014).
Release date: 2019-04-02 - 2. Enterprise size class transition in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 18-001-X2018001Description:
This paper seeks to investigate enterprise dynamics in terms of employment in Canada. The tracking of changes in enterprise size over time can provide a useful overview of the trend in the performance of both the enterprises and the economy as a whole.
Using the Entrepreneurship Indicators Database for the years 2008 and 2014, this study divides enterprises into nine class sizes based on the number of employees. Then, enterprises that were active in 2008 with one or more employees were tracked to see in which size class they were in 2014. The analysis is based on an approach that consists of building transition matrices using enterprise size classes.
Release date: 2018-03-15
Reference (0)
Reference (0) (0 results)
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