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- 1. Research and development (R&D) expendtiures of private non-profit (PNP) organizations, 1999 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X20000087922Description:
This release provides data on the Research and development activities of the private non-profit sector. Although the contribution of this sector to the national R&D effort is small in dollar terms, its impact, particularly in the university sector, is significant.Questionnaires were mailed to 94 private non-profit organizations thought to be supporting Research and development activities. Twenty organizations reported performing Research and development.
Release date: 2000-12-22 - 2. Innovation and Training in New Firms ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2000123Geography: CanadaDescription:
Recent studies have demonstrated the quantitative importance of entry, exit, growth and decline in the industrial population. It is this turnover that rewards innovative activity and contributes to productivity growth.
While the size of the entry population is impressive - especially when cumulated over time - the importance of entry is ultimately due to its impact on innovation in the economy. Experimentation is important in a dynamic, market-based economy. A key part of the experimentation comes from entrants. New entrepreneurs constantly offer consumers new products both in terms of the basic good and the level of service that accompanies it.
This experimentation is associated with significant costs since many entrants fail. Young firms are most at risk of failure; data drawn from a longitudinal file of Canadian entrants in both the goods and service sectors show that over half the new firms that fail do so in the first two years of life. Life is short for the majority of entrants. Only 1 in 5 new firms survive to their tenth birthday.
Since so many entrants fall by the wayside, it is of inherent interest to understand the conditions that are associated with success, the conditions that allow the potential in new entrepreneurs to come to fruition. The success of an entrant is due to its choosing the correct combination of strategies and activities. To understand how these capabilities contribute to growth, it is necessary to study how the performance of entrants relates to differences in strategies and pursued activities.
This paper describes the environment and the characteristics of entrants that manage to survive and grow. In doing so, it focuses on two issues. The first is the innovativeness of entrants and the extent to which their growth depends on their innovativeness. The second is to outline how the stress on worker skills, which is partially related to training, complements innovation and contributes to growth.
Release date: 2000-12-08 - Table: 50-002-X20000045454Description:
Third quarter 1999 operating ratios for top carriers improved by one point over the same period one year earlier to 0.93 but were unchanged in the fourth quarter (0.94). Average revenue per carrier grew by 3% in the third quarter and 4% in the fourth quarter.
Release date: 2000-11-27 - 4. A profile of the largest independent film, video and audio-visual producers in Canada, 1988/89 to 1997/98 ArchivedArticles and reports: 87-004-X20000025358Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article compares the characteristics of the 10 largest independent film and video producers, as measured by production revenues, with all the others, over a 10-year period starting in 1988/89.
Release date: 2000-11-09 - Stats in brief: 88-003-X20000035778Geography: CanadaDescription:
Updates on expenditures and personnel.
Release date: 2000-10-06 - Articles and reports: 88-001-X20000037927Description:
The statistics presented in this bulletin are derived from the 1998 survey of industrial Research and development activities in Canada and from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's administrative data for firms performing or funding R&D under $1 million . In 1997, a decision was made to eliminate the short survey forms in favour of administrative data in order to reduce the response burden. The survey collects information on the Research and development spending intentions for 2000, the estimates for 1999 and the actual expenditures for 1998 of corporations performing Research and development activities in Canada.
Release date: 2000-09-08 - 7. Taxes internationally ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X20000035372Geography: CanadaDescription:
Some taxes may be higher, some lower than in other developed nations, but overall Canada's effective tax rate is middle-of-the-road. Using OECD data, this study compares several tax-t0-GDP ratios of the G-7 and the 29 OECD countires.
Release date: 2000-09-06 - Articles and reports: 63-016-X20000015128Geography: CanadaDescription:
The objective of this article is to present relative meaures of characteristics, performance and workforce of hotels and motor hotels with some information specific to small-medium-and large-size establishments.
Release date: 2000-07-18 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000151Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper examines whether new views of the multinational that see these firms as decentralizing research and development (R&D) activities abroad to exploit local competencies accord with the activities of multinationals in Canada. The paper describes the innovation regime of multinational firms in Canada by examining the differences between foreign- and domestically owned firms. It focuses on the extent to which R&D is used; the type of R&D activity; the importance of R&D relative to other sources of innovative ideas; whether the use of these other ideas indicates that multinationals are closely tied into local innovation networks; the intensity of innovation; and the use that is made of intellectual property rights to protect innovations from being copied by others.
We find that, far from being passively dependent on R&D from their parents, foreign-owned firms in Canada are more active in R&D than the population of Canadian-owned firms. They are also more often involved in R&D collaboration projects both abroad and in Canada. As expected, foreign subsidiaries enjoy the advantage of accessing technology from their parent and sister companies. While multinationals are more closely tied into a network of related firms for innovative ideas than are domestically owned firms, their local R&D unit is a more important source of information for innovation than are these inter-firm links. Surprisingly, foreign subsidiaries also more frequently report that they are using technology from unrelated firms. Moreover, the multinational is just as likely to develop links into a local university and other local innovation consortia as are domestically owned firms. This evidence indicates that multinationals in Canada are not, on the whole, operating subsidiaries whose scientific development capabilities are truncated - at least not in comparison to domestically owned firms.
A comparison of the extent and impact of innovation activity of domestically and foreign-owned firms shows that foreign-owned firms innovate in all sectors more frequently than Canadian-owned companies in almost all size categories. They are also more likely to introduce world-first rather than more imitative innovations. Their superiority is most pronounced in the consumer goods sector. Finally, foreign-owned firms are more likely to protect their innovations with patent protection.
The paper also compares foreign subsidiaries to Canadian corporations that have an international orientation. These additional comparisons show that the two groups of multinationals are quite similar, both with regards to the likelihood that they conduct some form of R&D and that they introduce innovations. These results indicate that it is as much the degree of globalization that the nationality of ownership that affects the degree of innovativeness.
Overall, the survey results suggest that foreign-owned firms make a significant contribution to technological progress and innovation in Canadian industry.
Release date: 2000-06-27 - 10. Cable Television ArchivedTable: 56-205-XDescription:
This online publication presents detailed annual financial and operating statistics on the Canadian cable television industry. Operational data are published on subscribers, households passed by cable, kilometres of cable, channel capacity and program hours. Financial statistics include detailed revenue and expense accounts, balance sheet and statement of retained earnings. The preamble to the publication consists of statistical highlights, a written analysis and text tables which display a financial and operating summary of the cable television industry. Also included is a glossary of terms for the industry.
Release date: 2000-06-21
Data (5)
Data (5) ((5 results))
- Table: 50-002-X20000045454Description:
Third quarter 1999 operating ratios for top carriers improved by one point over the same period one year earlier to 0.93 but were unchanged in the fourth quarter (0.94). Average revenue per carrier grew by 3% in the third quarter and 4% in the fourth quarter.
Release date: 2000-11-27 - 2. Cable Television ArchivedTable: 56-205-XDescription:
This online publication presents detailed annual financial and operating statistics on the Canadian cable television industry. Operational data are published on subscribers, households passed by cable, kilometres of cable, channel capacity and program hours. Financial statistics include detailed revenue and expense accounts, balance sheet and statement of retained earnings. The preamble to the publication consists of statistical highlights, a written analysis and text tables which display a financial and operating summary of the cable television industry. Also included is a glossary of terms for the industry.
Release date: 2000-06-21 - 3. Traveller Accommodation Statistics ArchivedTable: 63-204-XDescription:
Statistics on hotels, motels, tourist camping grounds and other types of traveller accommodation (e.g., receipts, employment, expenses, occupancy) are provided in this publication. Also included are definitions, methodology, and notes on data quality.
Release date: 2000-06-07 - 4. Sub-provincial Employment Dynamics ArchivedTable: 61F0027XDescription:
Sub-provincial employment dynamics uses longitudinal data to produce year-to-year changes in the number of employer businesses, employment and payrolls in Canada. Changes are shown by size of business and by business life status, which includes entry, exit, growth and decline.
Release date: 2000-06-02 - Table: 50-002-X20000014926Description:
This article is divided into three sections. Section 1 describes results for small for-hire carriers; section 2 contains data for owner operations; and section 3 provides a general discussion of Annual Motor Carriers of Freight survey data quality.
Release date: 2000-03-10
Analysis (18)
Analysis (18) (0 to 10 of 18 results)
- 1. Research and development (R&D) expendtiures of private non-profit (PNP) organizations, 1999 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X20000087922Description:
This release provides data on the Research and development activities of the private non-profit sector. Although the contribution of this sector to the national R&D effort is small in dollar terms, its impact, particularly in the university sector, is significant.Questionnaires were mailed to 94 private non-profit organizations thought to be supporting Research and development activities. Twenty organizations reported performing Research and development.
Release date: 2000-12-22 - 2. Innovation and Training in New Firms ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2000123Geography: CanadaDescription:
Recent studies have demonstrated the quantitative importance of entry, exit, growth and decline in the industrial population. It is this turnover that rewards innovative activity and contributes to productivity growth.
While the size of the entry population is impressive - especially when cumulated over time - the importance of entry is ultimately due to its impact on innovation in the economy. Experimentation is important in a dynamic, market-based economy. A key part of the experimentation comes from entrants. New entrepreneurs constantly offer consumers new products both in terms of the basic good and the level of service that accompanies it.
This experimentation is associated with significant costs since many entrants fail. Young firms are most at risk of failure; data drawn from a longitudinal file of Canadian entrants in both the goods and service sectors show that over half the new firms that fail do so in the first two years of life. Life is short for the majority of entrants. Only 1 in 5 new firms survive to their tenth birthday.
Since so many entrants fall by the wayside, it is of inherent interest to understand the conditions that are associated with success, the conditions that allow the potential in new entrepreneurs to come to fruition. The success of an entrant is due to its choosing the correct combination of strategies and activities. To understand how these capabilities contribute to growth, it is necessary to study how the performance of entrants relates to differences in strategies and pursued activities.
This paper describes the environment and the characteristics of entrants that manage to survive and grow. In doing so, it focuses on two issues. The first is the innovativeness of entrants and the extent to which their growth depends on their innovativeness. The second is to outline how the stress on worker skills, which is partially related to training, complements innovation and contributes to growth.
Release date: 2000-12-08 - 3. A profile of the largest independent film, video and audio-visual producers in Canada, 1988/89 to 1997/98 ArchivedArticles and reports: 87-004-X20000025358Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article compares the characteristics of the 10 largest independent film and video producers, as measured by production revenues, with all the others, over a 10-year period starting in 1988/89.
Release date: 2000-11-09 - Stats in brief: 88-003-X20000035778Geography: CanadaDescription:
Updates on expenditures and personnel.
Release date: 2000-10-06 - Articles and reports: 88-001-X20000037927Description:
The statistics presented in this bulletin are derived from the 1998 survey of industrial Research and development activities in Canada and from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's administrative data for firms performing or funding R&D under $1 million . In 1997, a decision was made to eliminate the short survey forms in favour of administrative data in order to reduce the response burden. The survey collects information on the Research and development spending intentions for 2000, the estimates for 1999 and the actual expenditures for 1998 of corporations performing Research and development activities in Canada.
Release date: 2000-09-08 - 6. Taxes internationally ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X20000035372Geography: CanadaDescription:
Some taxes may be higher, some lower than in other developed nations, but overall Canada's effective tax rate is middle-of-the-road. Using OECD data, this study compares several tax-t0-GDP ratios of the G-7 and the 29 OECD countires.
Release date: 2000-09-06 - Articles and reports: 63-016-X20000015128Geography: CanadaDescription:
The objective of this article is to present relative meaures of characteristics, performance and workforce of hotels and motor hotels with some information specific to small-medium-and large-size establishments.
Release date: 2000-07-18 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000151Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper examines whether new views of the multinational that see these firms as decentralizing research and development (R&D) activities abroad to exploit local competencies accord with the activities of multinationals in Canada. The paper describes the innovation regime of multinational firms in Canada by examining the differences between foreign- and domestically owned firms. It focuses on the extent to which R&D is used; the type of R&D activity; the importance of R&D relative to other sources of innovative ideas; whether the use of these other ideas indicates that multinationals are closely tied into local innovation networks; the intensity of innovation; and the use that is made of intellectual property rights to protect innovations from being copied by others.
We find that, far from being passively dependent on R&D from their parents, foreign-owned firms in Canada are more active in R&D than the population of Canadian-owned firms. They are also more often involved in R&D collaboration projects both abroad and in Canada. As expected, foreign subsidiaries enjoy the advantage of accessing technology from their parent and sister companies. While multinationals are more closely tied into a network of related firms for innovative ideas than are domestically owned firms, their local R&D unit is a more important source of information for innovation than are these inter-firm links. Surprisingly, foreign subsidiaries also more frequently report that they are using technology from unrelated firms. Moreover, the multinational is just as likely to develop links into a local university and other local innovation consortia as are domestically owned firms. This evidence indicates that multinationals in Canada are not, on the whole, operating subsidiaries whose scientific development capabilities are truncated - at least not in comparison to domestically owned firms.
A comparison of the extent and impact of innovation activity of domestically and foreign-owned firms shows that foreign-owned firms innovate in all sectors more frequently than Canadian-owned companies in almost all size categories. They are also more likely to introduce world-first rather than more imitative innovations. Their superiority is most pronounced in the consumer goods sector. Finally, foreign-owned firms are more likely to protect their innovations with patent protection.
The paper also compares foreign subsidiaries to Canadian corporations that have an international orientation. These additional comparisons show that the two groups of multinationals are quite similar, both with regards to the likelihood that they conduct some form of R&D and that they introduce innovations. These results indicate that it is as much the degree of globalization that the nationality of ownership that affects the degree of innovativeness.
Overall, the survey results suggest that foreign-owned firms make a significant contribution to technological progress and innovation in Canadian industry.
Release date: 2000-06-27 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000150Geography: CanadaDescription:
Using a comprehensive micro-database of Canadian firms in conjunction with industry-level data on commodity flows, we develop a profile of corporate diversification within the Canadian economy. Our analysis has two major objectives.
First, we decompose corporate diversification into horizontal and vertical components based on the degree to which industries are linked by inter-industry trade flows. Horizontal and vertical decompositions serve as useful proxies for the strategic factors that underlie diversification strategies.
Our second objective is to ascertain whether diversification patterns are closely associated with certain industry characteristics. Here we consider industry-level factors that are generally posited to affect the level of diversification (e.g., growth, concentration, knowledge-intensity) along with other variables designed to evaluate whether diversified ownership structures are associated with inter-industry commodity flows. Our regression analysis draws on three empirical measures of diversification: first, the amount of total entropy (i.e., diversification) within an industry; second, the average entropy per firm; and last, the percentage of firms within an industry that diversify.
Release date: 2000-06-16 - 10. Frequently-asked questions on Small Business ArchivedArticles and reports: 61F0019X20000015561Geography: CanadaDescription:
This report contains some basic answers to recurring questions that Statistics Canada receives on small business. It is also a reference to other Statistics Canada data sources and analytical products where more detailed information can be found.
Release date: 2000-06-15
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