Linguistic diversity and multilingualism in Canadian homes

Stats in brief: 98-200-X2016010


This article in the Census in Brief series paints a picture of linguistic diversity in Canada using statistics on Aboriginal and immigrant languages. It also presents different attributes of multilingualism and the place of official languages in Canada.

Issue Number: 2016010

Main Product: Census in Brief

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 2, 2017
  • Correction: August 31, 2017

    Following the August 2, 2017 census release, language data anomalies were discovered for various geographic areas. An in-depth investigation to identify their source was conducted. For more details refer to the Update of the 2016 Census language data .

PDFAugust 2, 2017
  • Correction: August 31, 2017

    Following the August 2, 2017 census release, language data anomalies were discovered for various geographic areas. An in-depth investigation to identify their source was conducted. For more details refer to the Update of the 2016 Census language data .

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