Income of Individuals, Families and Households, 2001 Census - ARCHIVED

Tables: 97F0020X


The tables under the topic "Income of Individuals, Families and Households" present data on the income of Canadian individuals, families, and households in the year 2000, including the composition of income, and data that serves to measure low income, known as the Low Income Cut-off (LICO). The data also include the household incomes of Canadians by family type, age, and geography, as well as the household incomes of certain population groups (i.e. immigrants).

The composition of income includes earnings, income from government sources, and investments.

Available statistics: counts, average, median, standard error of average, and incidence of low income.

Frequency: Every 5 years
Available formats: HTML, CD-ROM (discontinued)
TitlesRelease dateMore Information
Family Income Groups (21), Sex (3) and Aboriginal Group of Lone Parent (11) for Lone-parent Census Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 2004More information
Number and Average Economic Family Income (2) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Earning Status of Spouses or Partners (8) and Selected Demographic, Educational, Cultural, Language and Labour Force Characteristics of Couple Economic Families (282) for Couple Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (22A) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Economic Family Structure (9) and Economic Family Size (5) for Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (22A) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Economic Family Structure (9) and Number of Income Recipients (4) for Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (22A) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Economic Family Structure (9) and Number of Earners (6A) for Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (22A) in Constant (2000) Dollars and Age Group of Husband, Male Partner or Reference Person (9) for Couple Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (22A) in Constant (2000) Dollars and Combination of Historical Highest Level of Schooling of Spouses or Partners (10) for Couple Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
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Earning Status of Spouses or Partners (8), Family Income Groups (19) in Constant (2000) Dollars and Couple Economic Family Income Statistics (4) in Constant (2000) Dollars for Couple Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
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Family Income Groups (21A) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Age Group of Lone Parent or Reference Person (5), Historical Highest Level of Schooling of Lone Parent or Reference Person (6) and Economic Family Structure (4) for Lone-parent and Other Economic Families, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Family Income Groups (21A) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Age Group of Lone Parent or Reference Person (5), Work Activity in the Reference Year of Lone Parent or Reference Person (3) and Economic Family Structure (4) for Lone-parent and Other Economic Families, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
Total Income Groups (20C) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Sex (3), Age Groups (5A), Household Living Arrangements (3B) and Work Activity in the Reference Year (3) for Unattached Individuals 15 Years and Over in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2004More information
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Income Status (4A) and Selected Geographic, Demographic, Family, Income, Educational, Cultural, Language and Labour Force Characteristics of Unattached Individuals (197) for Unattached Individuals 15 Years and Over in Private Households, for Canada and Provinces, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 2003More information
Number Reporting and Aggregate Amount Reported for Each Source of Economic Family Income (26), Economic Family Structure (9) and Income Status (3) for Economic Families in Private Households, for Canada and Provinces, 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 2003More information
Number Reporting and Aggregate Amount Reported for Each Source of Income (24), Sex (3), Age Groups (5A) and Income Status (3) for Unattached Individuals 15 Years and Over in Private Households, for Canada and Provinces, 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 2003More information
Household Income Groups (24) in Constant (2000) Dollars and Selected Demographic, Educational, Cultural, Language and Labour Force Characteristics of Primary Household Maintainer (87) for Private Households, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDDecember 5, 2003More information
Number Reporting and Aggregate Amount Reported for Each Source of Household Income (26) and Selected Income, Household, Demographic and Cultural Characteristics (110) for Private Households with Income, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2003More information
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Total Income Groups (22) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Sex (3), Age Groups (9A) and Marital Status (6) for Population 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 14, 2003More information
Total Income Groups (22) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Sex (3) and Highest Level of Schooling (11) for Population 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 14, 2003More information
Total Income Groups (20) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Sex (3), Age Groups (7) and Major Source of Income (6) for Population 15 Years and Over with Income, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 14, 2003More information
Total Income Groups (22) in Constant (2000) Dollars, Sex (3), Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration (10D) and Historical Highest Level of Schooling (6) for Population 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 14, 2003More information
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Family Income Groups (22) in Constant (2000) Dollars and Census Family Structure (12) for Census Families in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1995 and 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDMay 13, 2003More information
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Number Reporting and Aggregate Amount Reported for Sources of Census Family Income (26) and Selected Income, Earnings and Family Characteristics (155) for Census Families in Private Households with Income, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2000 - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVEDMay 13, 2003More information
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