Introducing the Dissemination Area for the 2001 Census: An Update - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 92F0138M2000004


Up to and including the 1996 Census, the enumeration area (EA) served as both the primary collection area and the basic dissemination area. Optimising both the collection and dissemination functions was a difficult undertaking and compromises were made. For the 2001 Census, the new digital cartographic file called the National Geographic Base (NGB) and the block program have made it possible to create separate enumeration areas for data collection and dissemination areas for data dissemination. This working paper describes the design criteria that have been specified for the implementation of the dissemination area (DA). These criteria address the improvements most frequently requested by users such as increased temporal stability, reduced area suppression, intuitive boundaries, compactness and homogeneity. In addition to integrating and reflecting the recommendations from the user community, the dissemination area design incorporates operational factors related to the DA code structure, maximum code size and production timeframes.

NOTE: This working paper was first released in March 2000 and described the design criteria and their parameters that were being considered for creating the dissemination area (DA) for the 2001 Census. Since that time, the design criteria have been finalised. New information is highlighted as "Updates" in this version of the paper (June 2001). The remainder of the paper is the same as the version released in March 2000.

Issue Number: 2000004
Author(s): Puderer, Henry
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMarch 13, 2000