Portrait of Official Language Minorities in Canada: Francophones in Ontario - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 89-642-X2010001


This demolinguistic portrait of the French-speaking population in Ontario was undertaken with the financial support of Canadian Heritage's Official Languages Secretariat. It is one of eleven such portraits of official-language minorities in Canada, prepared by the Statistics Canada's Language Statistics Section.

This study paints a general statistical portrait of the official-language minority in Ontario based on data from the Census of Population and the Survey on the Vitality of Official-language Minorities in Canada, conducted in 2006. The purpose of such a portrait is to present a set of characteristics, behaviours and perceptions of the official-language minority population, exploiting the analytical opportunities contained in the data.

Issue Number: 2010001
Author(s): Corbeil, Jean-Pierre; Lafrenière, Sylvie A
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMay 14, 2010
  • Correction: October 21, 2010

    Corrections have been made to this product. The publication was reloaded on (October, 20), 2010 Errors were found in parts of the text, charts and tables. Moreover, in order to clarify the text we judge it necessary to add a few sentences to this document. Resolution: The text and data in the tables and charts for both the HTML and PDF versions were corrected and replaced. Please note the following changes: Chart 3.2.2 the title was changed to: Percentage of children under 18 years of age living in a family where at least one parent is of French-mother tongue, by mother tongue of parents, Ontario, 1971 and 2006 Chart 3.2.3 the title was changed to: Percentage of children under 18 years of age living in a family where at least one parent is of French-mother tongue, by mother tongue of parents, Ontario and regions, 2006 Chart 3.2.4 an English-French category was added Chart 3.6.4, years in title were changed to 1996, 2001 and 2006 Table 3.4.5 data for language spoken at least regularly at home are now 544,030 ' 4.5% and data for language spoken regularly at home are now 222,480 ' 1.8% Table 3.4.6 percentages were replaced: Full list of corrections you can find at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-642-x/2010001/erratum-eng.htm

PDFMay 14, 2010
  • Correction: October 21, 2010

    Corrections have been made to this product. The publication was reloaded on (October, 20), 2010 Errors were found in parts of the text, charts and tables. Moreover, in order to clarify the text we judge it necessary to add a few sentences to this document. Resolution: The text and data in the tables and charts for both the HTML and PDF versions were corrected and replaced. Please note the following changes: Chart 3.2.2 the title was changed to: Percentage of children under 18 years of age living in a family where at least one parent is of French-mother tongue, by mother tongue of parents, Ontario, 1971 and 2006 Chart 3.2.3 the title was changed to: Percentage of children under 18 years of age living in a family where at least one parent is of French-mother tongue, by mother tongue of parents, Ontario and regions, 2006 Chart 3.2.4 an English-French category was added Chart 3.6.4, years in title were changed to 1996, 2001 and 2006 Table 3.4.5 data for language spoken at least regularly at home are now 544,030 ' 4.5% and data for language spoken regularly at home are now 222,480 ' 1.8% Table 3.4.6 percentages were replaced: Full list of corrections you can find at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-642-x/2010001/erratum-eng.htm