Trends in business intramural research and development expenditures in Alberta, 1994-2003 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 88-003-X20060019104


This article analyses trends in business intramural research and development expenditures (BERD) in Alberta over the period between 1994 and 2003 using data from Statistics Canada's Research and Development in Canadian Industry (RDCI) Survey. In Alberta, R&D related to oil and gas activities accounts for much of the growth in BERD in the Oil and Gas Extraction, Manufacturing and Services industries. Of particular interest in the growth of R&D in the Scientific Research and Development Services industry which can be considered as an indicator of the growth of start-ups or venture capital based firms.

Issue Number: 2006001
Author(s): Anderson, Frances; Sidhu, Kiran
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFFebruary 27, 2006