Radio Listening: Data Tables - ARCHIVED

Tables: 87F0007X


The data bank permits users (including government departments and agencies-specifically the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission or CRTC, associations, academics and market researchers) to analyse the use of radio by Canadians. The information is used for the programming, planning and monitoring of policies, as well as for market research.

BBM Canada conducts sample surveys of individuals in Canada, collecting data on their radio listening. All Canadians aged 12 and above, except those residing in the Yukon and Northwest Territories and those residing in institutions or on Indian Reserves, are part of the universe for the BBM survey. The basic data on listening were acquired from BBM Canada and reflect the demographic characteristics of survey respondents. The information on the formats of specific radio stations is provided by the CRTC.

Status: Discontinued
Frequency: Annual
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