Healthy People, Healthy Places

Journals and periodicals: 82-229-X


This report examines the health of Canadians by focusing on demography, health status, health behaviours, and the environment. The aging of the population provides a context for the report. Measures that reflect physical, mental and social well-being are presented, followed by indicators of positive and negative behaviours that are known to influence health status. Finally, indicators of the social and physical environments in which we live and work are examined. Together, these Health Indicators highlight the health of Canadians at a national and provincial/territorial level. They provide benchmarks for comparisons over time and place, from regional to international levels.

This report celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Health Indicators project. Since 1999, Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information have collaborated on developing and providing a broad range of indicators for health regions across Canada.

Frequency: Occasional
Available formats: HTML, PDF
TitlesRelease dateMore Information
Healthy People, Healthy Places, 2009001 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 11, 2010More information