Adopting leisure-time physical activity after diagnosis of a vascular condition - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 82-003-X201200111615


This study uses a large, population-based longitudinal sample of adults to examine: whether inactive Canadians aged 40 or older who are free of vascular disease become active after a new vascular diagnosis; factors associated with becoming active during leisure time; and changes or intentions to change health behaviours, including physical activity, among the newly diagnosed.

Issue Number: 2012001
Author(s): Bernier, Julie; Huguet, Nathalie; Kaplan, Mark S.; McFarland, Bentson H.; Newsom, Jason T.; Ramage-Morin, Pamela

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJanuary 18, 2012
PDFJanuary 18, 2012