Content of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics Part A: Demographic and Labour Content - ARCHIVED

Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M199201A


Starting in 1994, the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) will follow individuals and families for at least six years, tracking their labour market experiences, changes in income and family circumstances. An initial proposal for the content of SLID, entitled Content of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics : Discussion Paper, was distributed in February 1992.

That paper served as a background document for consultation wit h interested users. The content underwent significant change during this process. Based upon the revised content, a large-scale test of SLID will be conducted in February and May 1993.

This document outlines the current demographic and labour content, leading into the test.

Issue Number: 199201A
Author(s): Biggs, Brian; Picot, Garnett; Poulin, Susan; Veevers, Richard
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFOctober 21, 2008