Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures, United States and Canada - An Update to 1998 - ARCHIVED

Stats in brief: 13-604-M1999036


Recent economic trends, including expanding globalization of trade (as evidenced by new trade agreements), volatility in market exchange rates, and greater interest in international comparisons of real income and productivity are generating increased interest in intercountry comparisons. These comparisons are made in real terms derived from purchasing power parities (PPPs). In Canada, a particularly important relationship with the United States focusses attention on US/Canada comparative price and volume measures. This article includes updated annual bilateral volume indexes of real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and its components for the United States, compared with Canada, and the associated PPPs.

Issue Number: 1999036
Author(s): Kemp, Katherine
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFNovember 30, 1999