Life Satisfaction in Canada Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Articles and reports: 11F0019M2020020


The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts on many key aspects of life, such as health, social connections, mobility, employment and incomes. Life satisfaction provides the best available umbrella measure of the combined effects of these changes on the well-being of Canadians. Using population-representative samples from the 2018 Canadian Community Health Survey and the June 2020 Canadian Perspectives Survey Series, this study uses these data to compare life satisfaction in Canada before and during the pandemic, drawing comparisons across the population as a whole and among different regions and demographic groups.

Issue Number: 2020020
Author(s): Helliwell, John F.; Schellenberg, Grant; Fonberg, Jonathan David
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 21, 2020
PDFDecember 21, 2020