Record linkage techniques to identify 2021 Canadian Census dwellings in the new Statistical Building Register - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X202200100020

Description: The reconciliation of 2021 census dwellings with the new Statistical Building Register (SBgR) presented linkage challenges. The Census of Population collected information from various dwelling types. For a large proportion of the population, mailing addresses were at the centre: they were used for reaching out to people and collected as contact info. In parallel, the register environment has been evolving. The agency is transitioning from the Address Register (AR) to the SBgR holding both mailing and location addresses, while also covering non-residential buildings. The reconciliation was conducted using a combination of systems, notably the new Register Matching Engine (RME) for difficult cases. The RME holds an interesting range of sophisticated string comparators. A deterministic linkage approach was used, while incorporating some data knowledge like the entropy. Through metadata, the matching expert could also reduce the amounts of false positives and false negatives.
Issue Number: 2022001
Author(s): Lachance, Martin; Janes, Darryl; Quadir, Tanvir
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMarch 25, 2024