Statistics Canada’s Seasonal Adjustment Dashboard - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100020

Description: Seasonal adjustment of time series at Statistics Canada is performed using the X-12-ARIMA method. For most statistical programs performing seasonal adjustment, subject matter experts (SMEs) are responsible for managing the program and for verification, analysis and dissemination of the data, while methodologists from the Time Series Research and Analysis Center (TSRAC) are responsible for developing and maintaining the seasonal adjustment process and for providing support on seasonal adjustment to SMEs. A visual summary report called the seasonal adjustment dashboard has been developed in R Shiny by the TSRAC to build capacity to interpret seasonally adjusted data and to reduce the resources needed to support seasonal adjustment. It is currently being made available internally to assist SMEs to interpret and explain seasonally adjusted results. The summary report includes graphs of the series across time, as well as summaries of individual seasonal and calendar effects and patterns. Additionally, key seasonal adjustment diagnostics are presented and the net effect of seasonal adjustment is decomposed into its various components. This paper gives a visual representation of the seasonal adjustment process, while demonstrating the dashboard and its interactive functionality.

Key Words: Time Series; X-12-ARIMA; Summary Report; R Shiny.

Issue Number: 2021001
Author(s): Verret, François
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFOctober 15, 2021

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