Creating a longitudinal database based on linked administrative registers: An example - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X201700014748


This paper describes the creation of a database developed in Switzerland to analyze migration and the structural integration of the foreign national population. The database is created from various registers (register of residents, social insurance, unemployment) and surveys, and covers 15 years (1998 to 2013). Information on migration status and socioeconomic characteristics is also available for nearly 4 million foreign nationals who lived in Switzerland between 1998 and 2013. This database is the result of a collaboration between the Federal Statistics Office and researchers from the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR)–On the Move.

Issue Number: 2017000
Author(s): Steiner, Ilka; Wanner, Philippe
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMarch 24, 2016

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