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Archived - Input-output tables, inputs and outputs, detailed level, basic prices (x 1,000,000)1, 2, 3, 4

Frequency: Annual

Table: 36-10-0415-01 (formerly CANSIM 381-0022)

Release date: 2017-04-18

Geography: Canada

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Showing 236 records
GeographyCanada (map)
CommodityTotal commodities
Industry2009 2010 2011
Total industries 2,887,9183,095,4343,299,782
Crop production (except greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production) 25,01424,87829,896
Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production 3,0953,1853,294
Animal production 20,89021,44623,276
Forestry and logging 8,5419,67610,502
Fishing, hunting and trapping 1,7261,9072,177
Support activities for crop and animal production 774812825
Support activities for forestry 1,7591,8371,856
Conventional oil and gas extraction 62,97071,39779,978
Non-conventional oil extraction 33,43042,32754,026
Coal mining 4,2035,2197,616
Iron ore mining 2,6515,3355,838
Gold and silver ore mining 3,8914,4445,161
Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining 5,8637,90810,864
Other metal ore mining 1,7011,8442,067
Stone mining and quarrying 1,3991,7401,790
Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying 1,2991,3771,593
Diamond mining 1,6902,3832,513
Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying (except diamond and potash) 1,2221,2821,257
Potash mining 3,7645,2328,502
Support activities for oil and gas extraction 13,98817,90421,836
Support activities for mining 4,3795,1527,102
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 40,98742,55545,061
Natural gas distribution 5,4025,5775,497
Water, sewage and other systems 605591620
Residential building construction 77,49085,80387,127
Non-residential building construction 40,85842,96945,482
Transportation engineering construction 20,54321,48521,200
Oil and gas engineering construction 25,60339,29851,393
Electric power engineering construction 12,07614,21214,400
Communication engineering construction 1,4423,0762,516
Other engineering construction 16,23319,53619,768
Repair construction 32,98833,59434,374
Other activities of the construction industry 2,5532,8453,295
Animal food manufacturing 6,0815,8346,431
Grain and oilseed milling 8,0177,8899,957
Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing 4,3384,4424,488
Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing 6,4646,5976,514
Dairy product manufacturing 13,27813,56513,733
Meat product manufacturing 22,45623,72023,511
Seafood product preparation and packaging 3,5763,8744,282
Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing 7,8287,7598,023
Other food manufacturing 6,6946,8247,241
Soft drink and ice manufacturing 4,1644,2054,287
Breweries 5,1865,3395,224
Wineries and distilleries 1,7811,8311,929
Tobacco manufacturing 1,4361,5361,632
Textile and textile product mills 3,2643,3593,271
Clothing and leather and allied product manufacturing 3,5203,2113,176
Sawmills and wood preservation 8,45710,0499,769
Veneer, plywood and engineered wood product manufacturing 4,1044,5694,212
Other wood product manufacturing 6,8426,6796,968
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 16,81218,57718,033
Converted paper product manufacturing 8,4238,7718,718
Printing and related support activities 10,3869,6349,440
Petroleum refineries 56,32665,60776,770
Petroleum and coal product manufacturing (except petroleum refineries) 5,4775,5146,358
Basic chemical manufacturing 12,20315,46517,594
Resin, synthetic rubber and fibres, and paint manufacturing5 ....11,201
Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing (Terminated)5 6,736t7,854t..t
Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing (Terminated)5 2,586t2,601t..t
Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing 4,6724,2705,062
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 11,82811,69610,455
Soap, cleaning compound and toilet preparation manufacturing 3,2393,0173,211
Other chemical product manufacturing 4,3894,5424,861
Plastic product manufacturing 17,23318,29818,965
Rubber product manufacturing 4,0204,5665,181
Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (except cement and concrete products) 4,9055,0425,004
Cement and concrete product manufacturing 8,4399,0299,151
Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing 7,88010,84011,808
Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel 3,7154,6815,041
Alumina and aluminum production and processing 9,71610,40412,675
Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing 24,19632,55040,110
Foundries 1,6771,7472,249
Forging and stamping 1,4181,4991,705
Cutlery, hand tools and other fabricated metal product manufacturing 4,8014,9575,343
Architectural and structural metals manufacturing 13,14412,47913,078
Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing 3,4473,0483,544
Hardware manufacturing 1,1021,2151,286
Spring and wire product manufacturing 787720793
Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing 4,8524,8535,539
Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities 1,7541,7881,855
Agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing 8,0197,93111,159
Industrial machinery manufacturing 2,5032,5673,068
Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing 3,7103,7474,198
Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing 2,9492,6722,793
Metalworking machinery manufacturing 3,4313,3023,752
Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing 2,6142,5803,133
Other general-purpose machinery manufacturing 6,3156,4197,303
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 2,2372,5092,234
Communications equipment manufacturing 6,1235,9015,669
Other electronic product manufacturing 5,9806,0145,951
Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing 2,7963,0042,953
Electric lighting equipment manufacturing 1,0789881,033
Household appliance manufacturing 1,4801,4241,309
Electrical equipment manufacturing 4,5974,1954,604
Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing 3,1023,3193,787
Automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturing 33,00443,71145,003
Heavy-duty truck manufacturing 2,6741,9852,095
Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing 2,0411,9652,386
Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing 3,9344,1904,497
Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing 591670641
Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing 7841,1411,284
Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing 509554485
Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing 1,8222,5542,361
Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing 2,8883,2813,579
Motor vehicle metal stamping 2,8093,4034,044
Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing 3,9164,6515,082
Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 16,76615,95416,699
Railroad rolling stock manufacturing 1,6971,3311,761
Ship and boat building 1,0341,0691,138
Other transportation equipment manufacturing 3,5673,7814,312
Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing 5,9075,7325,524
Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing 3,8553,6733,763
Other furniture-related product manufacturing 1,1151,1171,099
Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing 3,0633,1683,491
Other miscellaneous manufacturing 8,3938,9699,883
Farm product wholesaler-distributors 2,4892,6142,501
Petroleum product wholesaler-distributors 5,7365,8396,555
Food, beverage and tobacco wholesaler-distributors 16,44918,10619,047
Personal and household goods wholesaler-distributors 22,45123,44523,151
Motor vehicle and parts wholesaler-distributors 13,04313,26313,880
Building material and supplies wholesaler-distributors 16,42418,39419,467
Machinery, equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors 29,67632,14435,618
Miscellaneous wholesaler-distributors 13,31415,06316,744
Wholesale electronic markets, and agents and brokers 4,1114,0674,356
Motor vehicle and parts dealers 16,98717,78618,624
Furniture and home furnishings stores 6,4106,8056,793
Electronics and appliance stores 4,2934,7275,360
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers 9,41110,0379,959
Food and beverage stores 25,57725,99327,087
Health and personal care stores 12,33012,61313,175
Gasoline stations 7,0687,5047,875
Clothing and clothing accessories stores 13,03314,00814,298
Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores 4,4974,7514,510
General merchandise stores 15,04315,97116,666
Miscellaneous store retailers 6,1846,0866,182
Non-store retailers 3,7563,8364,303
Air transportation 15,69817,65119,353
Rail transportation 9,06210,20011,070
Water transportation 4,1974,5594,738
Truck transportation 39,50540,98743,387
Urban transit systems 3,3803,6463,851
Other transit and ground passenger transportation and scenic and sightseeing transportation 3,2113,5953,675
Taxi and limousine service 2,0592,1622,159
Crude oil and other pipeline transportation 3,3493,4474,466
Pipeline transportation of natural gas 4,4044,8194,920
Support activities for transportation 18,58320,37721,861
Postal service, couriers and messengers 12,85713,11013,185
Warehousing and storage 3,5373,5303,795
Newspaper publishers 5,2145,1834,986
Periodical, book and directory publishers 6,2635,9045,603
Software publishers 6,0716,2827,055
Motion picture and video industries (except exhibition) 5,8606,0106,193
Motion picture and video exhibition 1,5401,6111,609
Sound recording industries 858819774
Radio and television broadcasting 3,8053,9603,978
Pay and specialty television 3,1403,4723,696
Telecommunications 50,07652,02153,074
Data processing, hosting, and related services 2,8023,0423,571
Other information services 1,7942,0322,193
Monetary authorities - central bank 385389358
Banking and other depository credit intermediation 57,91865,44772,316
Local credit unions 6,3197,5447,584
Non-depository credit intermediation 13,78911,63911,108
Activities related to credit intermediation 4,0323,9314,046
Financial investment services, funds and other financial vehicles 37,28140,55541,501
Insurance carriers 37,08538,08739,375
Agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities 10,27711,35411,921
Lessors of real estate 77,72380,44683,347
Offices of real estate agents and brokers and activities related to real estate 21,05921,89223,067
Owner-occupied dwellings 130,691136,331142,500
Automotive equipment rental and leasing 5,1455,3075,715
Rental and leasing services (except automotive equipment) 9,79510,07311,066
Lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) 2,5272,5822,579
Legal services 15,24416,17616,800
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services 13,26114,07114,419
Architectural, engineering and related services 29,08731,57835,987
Specialized design services 2,5922,7102,788
Computer systems design and related services 32,34532,73935,026
Management, scientific and technical consulting services 13,55613,62213,615
Scientific research and development services 6,4316,7536,986
Advertising, public relations, and related services 6,7346,8886,922
Other professional, scientific and technical services 9,75910,14210,844
Holding companies 20,51420,11620,546
Office administrative services 12,24312,35612,333
Facilities and other support services 8,2899,0629,558
Employment services 8,2198,8069,730
Business support services 5,8686,1606,219
Travel arrangement and reservation services 3,9274,1924,385
Investigation and security services 5,1105,4005,420
Services to buildings and dwellings 14,65515,18915,803
Waste management and remediation services 5,7646,1916,847
Educational services 4,5624,9415,184
Offices of physicians 22,52224,73126,043
Offices of dentists 12,63913,38613,788
Miscellaneous ambulatory health care services 9,73310,25110,774
Nursing and residential care facilities 5,6385,9166,163
Social assistance 4,1674,4014,587
Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, and heritage institutions 6,7906,8286,971
Amusement and recreation industries 7,9118,1508,062
Gambling industries 6,6636,3736,218
Traveller accommodation 13,86914,65214,974
RV (recreational vehicle) parks, recreational camps, and rooming and boarding houses 2,1742,2092,315
Food services and drinking places 48,39250,26351,897
Automotive repair and maintenance 10,07010,38410,555
Repair and maintenance (except automotive) 8,2128,6369,656
Personal care services and other personal services 9,2559,5579,784
Funeral services 1,5871,6431,712
Dry cleaning and laundry services 2,3072,2702,263
Professional and similar organizations 3,7644,0344,318
Private households 2,7442,8412,931
Repair and maintenance 43,53547,70354,421
Operating supplies 8,3139,4949,710
Office supplies 14,31615,47015,893
Advertising, promotion, meals and entertainment 31,24734,06333,375
Travel, meetings and conventions 24,48825,43725,561
Transportation margins 30,40332,56235,903
Educational services 4,3234,3184,555
Ambulatory health care services 1,7651,7322,036
Social assistance 7,2287,8248,313
Arts, entertainment and recreation 2,1421,8441,905
Religious organizations 5,1715,3745,396
Grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations 12,61912,35912,910
Other non-profit institutions serving households 3,0833,7604,828
Elementary and secondary schools 51,13953,11255,174
Community colleges and C.E.G.E.P.s 9,85810,22210,544
Universities 33,68734,83436,430
Other educational services 696711748
Hospitals 59,99261,57264,256
Nursing and residential care facilities 12,08712,60313,426
Defence services 18,71018,09819,067
Other federal government services (except defence) 49,85853,43655,004
Other provincial and territorial government services 113,136117,374122,346
Other municipal government services 65,20668,82771,962
Other aboriginal government services 6,7657,1957,310

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