3.3 Collecting
3.3.3 Role of interviewers

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It is important to note that not all persons who collect data are interviewers. In some instances, people go into grocery stores or clothing stores to collect data. They manually record the prices from a list of goods and services on hand-held devices and then report their data to Statistics Canada staff.

However, the role of the interviewer is very important. The process of interviewing people to collect data involves a number of skills. Without these skills, the quality of data collected can be affected. Therefore, the skills sought in an interviewer are the following:

  • good communication skills;
  • a confident and professional appearance, and
  • a driver’s license, in the case of interviewers that will need to travel to do in-person interviews.

Statistics Canada employs a large number of interviewers to collect data. Interviewers are trained before collecting data. This training emphasizes that the interviewer’s opening remarks and the manner in which they are made have a strong influence on a respondent’s reaction and willingness to co-operate. Because of this, interviewers should ensure they carry out certain tasks before asking respondents to answer questions. They must:

  • give the respondent their name and provide identification;
  • explain that a survey is being conducted and by whom;
  • describe the survey’s purpose;
  • explain that the respondent’s household or business has been selected in the survey sample;
  • give the respondent time to read or be informed about confidentiality issues, the voluntary or mandatory status of the survey, and any existing data-sharing agreements with other organizations, and
  • read the introduction message of the questionnaire to the respondent.

In addition, it is important that the interviewer has appropriate skills and abilities such as:

  • stimulating the respondent’s interest;
  • listening attentively;
  • asking questions as worded for each respondent interviewed;
  • NOT suggesting any answers to the respondent;
  • answering the respondent’s questions properly;
  • keeping the respondent “on track”, and
  • explaining that the information collected is confidential.

Above all, the interviewer should let respondents know that he or she understands the respondent.

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