Infographic 1
Arson, police-reported rates, Canada, 2012 to 2021

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Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "Arson, police-reported rates, Canada, 2012 to 2021"

This is a line chart with two vertical axes and one horizontal axis.

The left vertical axis shows the rate of property arson per 100,000 population, from 0.00 to 35.00, by increments of 5.00.

The right vertical axis shows the rate of violent arson per 100,000 population, from 0.00 to 1.60, by increments of 0.20.

The horizontal axis shows the years from 2012 to 2021, by increments of one year.

There are two series in this chart.

The first series is property arson. The lowest point in this line is 21.72 in 2018, and the highest point in this line is 31.96 in 2012.

The second series is violent arson. The lowest point in this line is 1.11 in 2018, and the highest point in this line is 1.50 in 2021.

Note(s): Populations are based upon July 1 estimates from Statistics Canada's Centre for Demography.

Source(s): Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (3302).

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