Table 1 
Debt and equity securities issues, net issuances 

Debt and equity securities issues, net issuances
  Third quarter 2021 Fourth quarter 2021 First quarter 2022 Second quarter 2022 Third quarter 2022
  billions of dollarsbillions of dollarsbillions of dollarsbillions of dollarsbillions of dollars
Total debt securities 66.7 84.8 76.5 89.0 63.0
By sector          
Non-financial corporations 4.9 17.7 17.2 -11.6 -0.9
Financial corporations 36.0 33.0 53.2 86.9 62.7
General government 25.8 34.1 6.1 13.6 1.2
By currency          
Canadian dollars 33.2 47.3 23.1 22.8 33.5
Foreign currencies 33.5 37.5 53.4 66.2 29.5
By original maturity          
Short term (money market instruments) -19.8 14.3 -32.6 14.0 23.3
Long term (bonds) 86.5 70.5 109.1 75.0 39.8
One to two years -2.0 -1.7 9.7 -4.4 5.6
Two to five years 22.5 -2.3 30.3 44.8 6.0
Five to ten years 7.1 24.6 13.8 17.7 -5.9
More than ten years 58.8 49.9 55.3 16.9 34.0
By type of interest rate          
Fixed 63.6 76.6 70.7 82.4 65.8
Variable 3.1 8.2 5.8 6.7 -2.8
By market of issuance          
Canada 26.3 72.8 16.5 38.2 40.8
International 40.4 12.1 60.0 50.8 22.2
Total equity securities -2.6 16.5 -18.3 -16.6 -13.7
By sector          
Non-financial corporations -6.7 19.1 -10.8 -11.3 -8.4
Financial corporations 4.1 -2.6 -7.5 -5.4 -5.3
  • Instruments are classified according to the sector of the issuer. Non-financial and financial corporation sectors include public and private corporations.
  • Short-term instruments have an original term of one year or less. Long-term instruments have an original term of more than one year.
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