Table 4 
Proportions of impacts of unpaid care on caregivers of children or adults in the last 12 months, by gender, 2022 

Proportions of impacts of unpaid care on caregivers of children or adults in the last 12 months, by gender, 2022
  Total Men Women
Feel tired 55.5 47.8 61.9
Feel worried or anxious 44.0 36.8 50.2
Feel overwhelmed 36.9 27.3 44.9
Feel lonely 13.3 9.1 16.9
Feel isolated 14.1 10.3 17.2
Feel short-tempered or irritable 30.8 26.3 34.5
Feel resentful 13.5 10.2 16.3
Feel depressed 17.5 14.8 19.8
Loss of appetite 7.9 6.9 8.8
Disturbed sleep 29.1 25.5 32.5
None 29.5 36.9 23.2
Canadian Social Survey (5354), Wave 6, 2022.
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