Table 2 
Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System1 – Balance-of-payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars 

Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System – Balance-of-payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars
  August 2021 July 2022r August 2022 July to August 2022 August 2021 to August 2022
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Total exports 53,934 67,346 65,383 -2.9 21.2
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 3,797 4,454 4,138 -7.1 9.0
Energy products 11,814 19,595 18,426 -6.0 56.0
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 2,263 3,015 3,081 2.2 36.1
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 6,871 7,148 7,203 0.8 4.8
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 3,444 3,862 3,763 -2.6 9.3
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 4,413 4,892 4,943 1.0 12.0
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 3,150 3,829 3,778 -1.3 19.9
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 2,261 2,703 2,607 -3.5 15.3
Motor vehicles and parts 5,769 7,060 6,800 -3.7 17.9
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 2,039 2,014 2,111 4.8 3.5
Consumer goods 6,594 7,092 6,827 -3.7 3.5
Special transactions trade 2 294 287 272 -5.3 -7.3
Other balance of payments adjustments 1,224 1,397 1,435 2.7 17.3
Total imports 53,092 64,973 63,864 -1.7 20.3
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 1,993 2,378 2,272 -4.5 14.0
Energy products 2,983 4,671 4,468 -4.3 49.8
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 1,225 1,651 1,658 0.4 35.3
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 5,385 5,496 5,273 -4.1 -2.1
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 4,594 5,750 5,502 -4.3 19.8
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 2,598 3,007 2,991 -0.5 15.2
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 5,602 7,014 7,265 3.6 29.7
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 6,218 7,328 7,117 -2.9 14.5
Motor vehicles and parts 7,766 10,230 9,500 -7.1 22.3
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 1,507 2,165 2,109 -2.6 39.9
Consumer goods 11,132 12,903 13,035 1.0 17.1
Special transactions trade 2 1,123 1,266 1,569 23.9 39.6
Other balance of payments adjustments 968 1,114 1,106 -0.7 14.2
Totals may not equal the sum of their components as a result of rounding.
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