Infographic 1
Union coverage rate, employees 15 years and over by private and public sectors, Canada, 1997 to 2021

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Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "Union coverage rate, employees 15 years and over by private and public sectors, Canada, 1997 to 2021"

This is a linear chart.

The first vertical axis shows the union coverage rate for the public sector (percent) from 65 to 80 by increments of 1.

The second vertical axis shows the union coverage rate for the private sector (percent) from 10 to 22 by increments of 1.

The horizontal axis shows years from 1997 to 2021.

There are 2 lines.

The first line is "Public sector." Its highest point is 77.6% in 2020, and its lowest point is 73.9% in 2000.

The second line is "Private sector." Its highest point is 21.3% in 1997, and its lowest point is 15.3% in 2021.

Note(s): Due to rounding, estimates and percentages may differ slightly between different Statistics Canada products, such as analytical documents and data tables.

Source(s): Labour Force Survey, custom tabulation.

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