Table 1 
Percentage of workers working from home, by selected characteristics, April 2020 to June 2021 

Percentage of workers working from home, by selected characteristics, April 2020 to June 2021
  Worker could work from home Worker worked from home
All workers 42.3 30.7
Class of worker    
Employee 42.8 29.5
Self-employed 39.0 38.4
Men 35.5 26.8
Women 50.3 35.3
15 to 24 22.7 13.6
25 to 34 44.2 33.5
35 to 44 46.7 35.6
45 to 54 45.3 31.7
55 to 64 40.3 28.4
15 to 24 18.9 12.0
25 to 34 37.5 29.3
35 to 44 39.9 31.1
45 to 54 37.3 27.6
55 to 64 33.6 24.7
15 to 24 27.6 15.5
25 to 34 52.4 38.6
35 to 44 54.7 40.8
45 to 54 54.2 36.3
55 to 64 48.4 32.8
Unmarried, no children 30.5 21.9
Unmarried, with children 37.0 27.4
Married, no children 36.4 28.2
Married with children 38.7 29.7
Unmarried, no children 43.0 29.6
Unmarried, with children 50.6 34.7
Married, no children 50.7 36.0
Married with children 54.9 38.8
Less than high school 13.5 7.3
High school 25.4 14.0
Trades certificates or diplomas 19.3 11.8
Postsecondary education below bachelor's degree 40.7 26.5
Bachelor's degree 60.1 47.7
Above bachelor's degree 67.1 57.9
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 4.8 28.6
Mining and oil and gas extraction 27.8 27.5
Utilities 37.5 44.0
Construction 12.3 9.7
Manufacturing 20.9 16.2
Wholesale trade 58.5 32.2
Retail trade 23.8 11.2
Transportation and warehousing 26.9 12.7
Information and cultural industries 76.7 65.1
Finance and insurance 87.3 72.9
Real estate and rental and leasing 53.2 41.9
Professional, scientific and technical services 84.6 69.6
Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 36.6 25.3
Educational services 84.1 43.4
Health care and social assistance 28.8 16.7
Arts, entertainment and recreation 47.5 38.0
Accommodation and food services 8.0 5.1
Other services (except public administration) 33.4 26.8
Public administration 59.6 55.6
Management 57.8 43.3
Business, finance and administration 82.0 50.2
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 73.4 66.2
Health 1.5 7.8
Education, law and social, community and government services 73.5 41.6
Art, culture, recreation and sport 60.4 58.6
Sales and services 23.6 17.8
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 1.8 2.9
Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations 2.4 9.4
Manufacturing and utilities 1.4 4.5
Newfoundland and Labrador 32.0 17.0
Prince Edward Island 34.3 19.3
Nova Scotia 37.0 23.4
New Brunswick 37.1 20.3
Quebec 43.1 30.3
Ontario 45.4 36.5
Manitoba 37.3 21.7
Saskatchewan 33.5 19.5
Alberta 38.6 26.5
British Columbia 41.6 27.8
No 44.4 34.7
Yes 41.4 29.1
Permanent job (employees only)    
No 39.8 25.7
Yes 43.1 30.0
Unionized job (employees only)    
No 45.1 31.7
Yes 37.6 24.7
Firm size (employees only)    
Fewer than 20 employees 36.9 18.5
20 to 99 employees 37.2 20.5
100 to 499 employees 42.3 28.6
500 employees or more 46.7 36.6
Firm size (private sector employees)    
Fewer than 20 employees 36.5 18.2
20 to 99 employees 35.9 20.0
100 to 499 employees 40.5 28.1
500 employees or more 42.4 35.6
Hourly wage decile (employees only)    
Bottom 10% 17.2 7.9
2nd 24.4 10.6
3rd 33.2 15.5
4th 39.7 20.3
5th 44.0 26.2
6th 46.7 31.2
7th 48.6 36.8
8th 50.2 40.6
9th 56.1 45.8
Top 10% 70.3 62.5
Individuals aged 15 to 64 who were employed and working (i.e., who were not absent) during the Labour Force Survey reference week. Full-time students, full-time members of the Armed Forces and legislators are excluded.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (3701).
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