Table 1 
Percentage of adults who reported having been vaccinated, by age group, all provinces combined, mid-April to mid-May 2021 

Percentage of adults who reported having been vaccinated, by age group, all provinces combined, mid-April to mid-May 2021
  % Lower limit of confidence interval (95%) Upper limit of confidence interval (95%)
All age groups 45.3 44.1 46.5
Age group      
18 to 29 years 16.52 13.6 19.9
30 to 39 years 25.82 22.9 29.0
40 to 49 years 33.82 30.8 36.9
50 to 59 years 45.42 42.2 48.7
60 to 69 years 71.02 68.2 73.5
70 years and older1 90.72 89.0 92.1
Statistics Canada, COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Survey (5347).
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